Silent night

‘they sold me a dream of Christmas’ Greg Lake – I believe in Father Christmas

It’s very quiet round here at the moment isn’t it? After the weekend I expect a little more than two of my favourites to have written. I have no idea how I shall fill the next three hours at work.

The knee is a lot better today. Yesterday I managed to walk the two miles to the supermarket with no adverse effects. The only problem I have now is reminding Duncan which knee it is, as he has this habit of squeezing my knee from time to time, which at the moment is damn painful. It is invariably followed by a good two minutes of apologies, so it’s not like he’s doing it on purpose or anything.

We watched the Arsenal game yesterday, with Duncan veering between hating the team and supporting them again, depending on the scoreline. We (as in Blackburn) managed to lose again, but I’m hoping we can pull it out of the bag for tomorrow night’s cup game against Arsenal. We are planning to go and watch it in the pub. With our teams up against each other, it could get messy.

I only have two weeks in this godforsaken hole left, thankfully. I think I have a day’s holiday to take as well, which I will be sorting out today. I’m not convinced my holiday allowance has been right all year though, as I carried some over from last year. It’s confusing, but I’m past the stage of caring honestly. I also have to make sure that Sarah received the reference request for the council job & that she gives me a half decent one. At least I managed to persuade Neo to write one for me as well, so at least one of my references should be nice.

We’re going to Scotland on Friday for the weekend, to dish out Christmas presents and spend a little time with the family. This includes our second stint of joint baby-sitting (not sure any of my sisters would actually appreciate me using that word) when my mum & David go off to a works party. I just hope that my sisters are well-behaved again, and that Amy has gotten over the crazy idea of wanting me to be with Gary again. It just makes it all the more difficult for them to accept Duncan when she talks that way.

Until there is a next time…


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Good luck with the reference. The last place I worked full time gave me a very odd one …it gave the dates I had worked there and the single line “She was a good time keeper.” Nasty people!

December 10, 2001

Hrmmm I have known you for over 12 months…I could give you a reference *chuckles* I hope you haven’t done anything to srious to your knee hon – maybe u need to have it looked at??? Will write an enty late and see if i can keep you occupied for a bit *g* *hugs*

Ugh I hear Enya on tv! ACK! I would write, but you may guess that I have nothing to write about at the moment! I did go see Monsters, Inc. last night which was very very very very good. Almost as good as Toy Story. Except Monsters Inc made me cry. Yes, a cartoon made me cry. Dammit! 🙂