See the sun

You know, some days I go to write an entry and I never manage it because it’s just too much trouble finding a song title I haven’t used yet. Sometimes I wish I’d never started it but now I don’t think I could stop cos then I think all the entries would have the same title, which would get really dull.

Anyway, lots has been happening since my last proper entry. I had my glucose tolerance test at the hospital, which was dull but everything was OK. Actually, it was quite nice to just have two hours to lie back and read uninterrupted. I ended up taking the whole day off work cos I was so tired. In other, pregnancy related news, I have a small bump. Well, it’s not small really, it’s the right size (but feels huge when lugging it about all the time, believe me!) but it’s not very long and the baby is long and I’m short, so it doesn’t really work out well. Hopefully this will just encourage baby to engage the head and pop out a week early. A week early would be nice, I think I’d be bored of maternity leave by then – I’d have been off three weeks. I certainly don’t wanna be sitting around 2 weeks after my due date (I realise I have no real say in this but still, it’s nice to dream right?) Our NCT class have started dropping – first couple (of the original six) gave birth last Friday to a little girl (and used the same middle name we plan to) and the next couple are due on Monday. 4 couples (including us) went out for curry last night so we’ll see if it helps anyone – hopefully not me though, 6 weeks early is just too damn early, especially as we still don’t have everything. We finally had our pushchair/car seat delivered last week but it has to go back as a bar snapped when we were folding it back up. Toys R Us can’t pick it up until I go leave though (2 weeks today will be my first day off) and haven’t yet told us when the replacement will be delivered, which is pretty useless.

I have to say, I’m getting a bit bored of the pregnancy now, just want to meet our little one. I’m sick of waddling round (cos yes, I do now waddle, it’s so unattractive) carrying this bump, I’m sick of the heartburn, the inability to sleep, the swollen feet that don’t fit properly into any shoes I own, the emotional roller coaster. I’ve even started nesting ffs, which is a weird experience for someone as messy as I am, to be cleaning kitchen cupboards out and then having it dawn on you that you have no idea why you are doing it as the friends you have visiting are hardly likely to be inspecting your cupboards.

In non-pregnancy related news, I got an email back from Sky (see last entry’s football rant) It was useless and basically said, yes, we do usually go on performance when picking teams but we also have to ensure every team is shown at least once, which really doesn’t make me feel any better about the complete disregard for Blackburn but still. I plan on keeping it in my inbox and then resending it next year to point out that this is a consistent problem. (You watch, we’ll either be really shite and get relegated or Sky’ll finally realise there’s more to life than Chelsea and Man Utd and improve the number of games on. I won’t be holding my breath with the 2nd option though)

I also had to go to the doctors yesterday after utterly freaking out about a lump under my arm which I discovered in the shower yesterday morning. I spent all day worrying about it only to get to the docs and for her to go, "Oh, it’s a blind boil." Apparently it’s common in women who shave under their arms. Clearly so common I’ve never heard of it before let alone had one in the numerous years I’ve been shaving there. It’s a little sore but nothing to worry about and nothing that can harm me or the baby. Took her about 2 minutes to tell me this so a bit of a wasted appointment but at least I got it checked out I suppose. Can’t be too careful and all.

My sister got her Higher grades yesterday (Scottish a-levels) and proved she’s far cleverer than me by getting 3 Bs and a C (although she did fail Physics, but she knew she’d done badly in it and wasn’t fussed about it, I’m not even sure why she took it in the first place.) It means that, technically, she could go to university this year (even though she’s not 17 until November) but she’s gonna do another year of Highers and then go next year. I’m very proud of her and how smart she is, I’m sure she’ll do just as well this year too.

Until there is a next time…


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better to be safe than sorry, definitely!! i can’t believe it’s only 6 weeks away…holy crap! i’m so excited for you two 😀

The Sky selection policy is a joke. That’s why you get such glam matches like Rovers vs. Bolton on because they view it as an easy chalking off on the list of games per club. Reading your description makes me realise just what my sister had been going through. She resorted to a spicy pizza and kebab in an attempt to get her baby out but neither worked.

August 9, 2006

w00t 6 weeks to go! It really drags about this time doesn’t it. But seriously reast and make the most of it. you will miss that laying around later…trust me *winks* Could you ask Duncan to email me if he has a moment once the baby is born just so I know you had it and all is well? I am so excited!!! LOL *hugs and love to all 3*

August 10, 2006

I cannot believe that mini perfect circle (suddenly odd mental image of a polo mint…) is only six weeks away! Very excited for you. Oh, and just a little jealous. 😉

August 15, 2006

I’ve never heard of a blind boil either!!!! Six weeks hey … blimey!

August 15, 2006

Looking at the timeline thing on your BC profile today hit it home to me how soon the new arrival will be arriving. I can’t wait!!

I think the less said about Saturday the better. And I really don’t see us getting much from Wednesday against Everton or Sunday against Chelsea. And yar, I’m a Preston boy.