Say what you want

‘allow if you’re still alive, six to eight years to arrive’ Smashmouth – Walking on the sun

Finally, after months of attending the pub quiz most thursdays and putting a small fortune into the hands of someone else, we actually won some money on the damn thing. Granted it only worked out at a pound each, but it was well worth it. For possibly the first time in weeks the questions were virtually all on things that our small group knew about. I think it helped that the same group that win, week in and week out, weren’t there, which meant that we came fourth. It was great!

Work has been hectic this week. Trying to cram in five days into four days isn’t easy, especially when, like me, you can barely talk for a day and a half and have trouble hearing. I seem to have developed a late cough/cold which has pretty much wiped me out this week. Nice timing as well, all over the easter break, but I guess you can’t have everything. It does have the advantage that I can rest and make sure it is completely gone by the time we start back on Tuesday.

I got another letter from a company this week. Another one that said ‘loads of applicants, not decided yet, will let you know in 2 weeks if you have an interview’ I guess I can only hope. There were also a couple of possibilities in the paper this week, but I am slowly becoming resigned to the fact that this hideous temping job could become my actual job.

Tony and Kelly have decided to buy a house together and have been looking these last few weeks. They were talking about it on Thursday night and it inevitably led to questions as to when we were going to buy a house. First of all I felt like suddenly we were inferior because we were quite happy to rent our flat for the time being. Then I explained that we weren’t actually planning to stay in Newcastle for the rest of our lives and were greeted by all round ‘why ever not?’ stares and questions. I have come to the conclusion that I am simply not one of these people who can settle in one place for the rest of their lives. There is far too much to see and do out there. But they all managed to make me feel that I was quite frankly derranged to not want to raise children in Newcastle. Now I don’t mean to insult any geordies who may stumble on this entry, but really, I’m not a fan of the accent. I don’t want my children (assuming we have some) with that accent. It’s not a geordie snobbery thing, I hate my own brummie accent with as much passion and would never consider raising a child in birmingham. When I talked to Duncan afterwards he backed me up. Neither of us want to stay here. I personally don’t want to raise a kid in a city centre anyway, I don’t think it’s all that healthy. Apparently, according to our friends, this makes me some kind of strange weirdo, but I’m beyond caring what these people think of me. Had I had more alcohol inside of me I might have retaliated to their remarks of ‘but we’d never see you’ with comments like ‘well you never really make much of an effort now and we are only a mile away’ but I didn’t. Which I think was very restrained. As long as me and Duncan agree on this, which I do, I don’t care whether anyone else thinks I’m a regional snob or whatever, it’s our future not theirs. Sometimes I think I need new friends more than anything else.

Until there is a next time…


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March 30, 2002

Good for you. It’s none of their business what you and Duncan do with your lives, and so long as you two agree on the important things, that’s okay. Don’t give up on the job hunt – something will probably come up when you least expect it.

March 30, 2002

It’s your life, you lead it exactly how you and Duncan want to *hugs*

March 30, 2002

nothing wrong with being a regional snob!

you should have said it, alcohol in your system or not 🙂 Then again, I’m probably a bigger shit disturber than you! heheh.

March 31, 2002

I wouldn’t be keen to have my kids grow up in a city centre either. It’s all very well when they’re in their twenties but young kids? Don’t give up on the job hunt, you’re worth more than the temping job and you know it. COngrats on the forth place:)

I know exactly how you feel. I love Newcastle but I too can’t imagine staying here forever. It is a fantastic city, but not a place to bring up kids, completely true. PS If you wanna meet up at some point, leave a note. I know we keep saying we will, but we should! Discuss the geordies in secret!

April 4, 2002

I love this entry, basically because you’re the first person I’ve known to say something like that. I’ve always said that when I have kids (if not before) I want to move away from Liverpool. And one of the reasons is because I don’t want them to have the accent. People think, therefore, that I’m ashamed of where I come from. And it’s not that at all.. I just don’t like the accent. It’s simple.

April 4, 2002

It might be petty, but it’s my preference. And yours is yours. Nothing wrong with that. If people see a problem, then it’s their problem, and they should just be left to it. xxx