
‘Buy the sky and sell the sky and bleed the sky and tell the sky’ REM – Fall on me

I’ve enjoyed the last bank holiday before Christmas. It was blissful to take Friday off work (although, in typical fashion, everything that could go wrong on Thursday, did, making it slightly busier and more annoying than usual, but still). It meant that I could get the household chores out of the way in one day and still enjoy three days off work.

On Saturday we went out for our 18 month anniversary. We went to see Men in Black 2 (don’t bother – same jokes as last time and not as many, or as funny) and then stuffed ourselves at what is fast becoming our favourite Chinese restaurant in the centre of town. On Sunday a group of us headed into Jesmond Dene for ‘Jezfest 2002’ where they basically get a bunch of local bands/singers to perform for the day. It’s all free and kind of relaxing, lying in the middle of the woods listening to some half decent bands. Pity about the charvers who were there to see some ‘popstars – rivals’ contestant, who couldn’t sing all that well (a fact slightly hidden by clever sound guys). But it was nice in a ‘can’t quite afford to go to Leeds but still want to hear some bands play’ kind of way. Mind you, after seeing the news this morning, I’m glad we didn’t go to Leeds. I can’t understand why someone would want to burn the toilets down. Ok, they aren’t great, but what else do expect from a festival. Makes you wonder whether Leeds will be granted a license next year now. Following on from the music we decided to have a bbq back at ours which was definitely enjoyable – our closest friends all sitting around chatting and drinking. A perfect day.

It was Mary’s 21st during the week and the three of us (me, Duncan and Mary) went for dinner at Tony and Kelly’s. They have now moved into their house, which they bought at the end of June, so I was quite looking forward to seeing what they got for their money and whether we were better off buying or staying where we are. The latter is definitely true. They’ve mortgaged themselves for the tiniest little house. Each room, filled with not excessive amounts of furniture, has enough room to walk round in, but that’s about it. Definitely a much smaller place than ours – and ours is only a flat. It made me feel so much better about it all and infinitely less jealous.

The football season has started again, and I am now finding myself fighting over the remote control. Andrew can’t quite grasp that football is on & this is our house, and instead keeps putting a selection of ridiculously dull sports on (cricket, golf, bike racing). He claims that he understands football, that he is even a Leeds fan but he has no clue whatsoever and I am sick of having to point out how wrong he is about such and such a rule/point/argument. He’s still not told us when his girlfriend is arriving, although Mary was kind enough to tell me last night that it is in 10 days time. Of course, it would make sense that he’d tell her and not us… the very people who are going to have to put her up. We bought the property pages on Saturday and have left them lying around in eye-catching positions, but to no avail. I get the impression he thinks he’ll be able to afford something on the edges of Heaton, but he’s in for a nasty shock. I don’t think he realises that we struggle by each month to be able to afford Sky, the internet, a pc. He is in for a nasty shock. But if his girlfriend does arrive in 10 days then hopefully it won’t be much longer after that that they leave. I’m not sure I can hold my tongue for much longer. His girlfriend is American and if her views are anything along the lines of Andrew’s (America is great, most powerful country in the world, greatest place to live, etc) I may well find myself in a full blown slanging match over the evening news.

Until there is a next time….


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I can’t believe that this Andrew guy is still there!! I don’t know how you’ve been able to put up with it for this long. Ugh.

August 26, 2002

Good grief, you’re putting his girlfriend up as well?! You’re a sweeter and saintlier person than I….

September 4, 2002

There are other cities in the north eager to take over the festival. Leeds’ loss may be Newcastle’s gain 🙂