Pretty paper

‘I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know’ Mariah Carey – All I want for Christmas is you

So, the site is down yet again, or should that be still. It was vaguely playing up last Thursday, but I kind of figured it would be fixed by now. The cynic in me would suggest that maybe it’s because we don’t pay any money for the damn thing, but anyway.

The weekend away was great. A success I think we could say. Especially when Ellie (the youngest) whispered in my ear that she thought Duncan was a much better boyfriend than Gary. Obviously I agree! But the girls have lost their shyness now, which meant they played merry hell for me on Saturday night, showing Duncan what they are really like. It always amazes me how my mum copes with four. We got the train over on Friday afternoon & true to form it was delayed so we missed our connection by a matter of minutes. Unfortunately the trains aren’t that regular to Dumfries, so we had to wait over 90 minutes for the next one, so we went for a couple of drinks in a nearby pub. By the time we got to my mum’s we were both quite shattered. Typically, the same thing happened yesterday, but luckily we only had an hour to wait this time. I definitely prefered travelling by train though. One look out the window to see the misty, slippery conditions I would have been driving in, made me feel a lot better.

I have my interview tomorrow with the council. I have my fingers crossed. If that falls through then all I have open to me at the moment are the horrors of temping and doing hideous things like data entry, filing or answering the phones.

We are spending this week getting the last bits of things for christmas. I have so far got one of Duncan’s presents & that’s only because my mum picked it up for me. I have a couple of other ideas, but no more. It should make Wednesday’s trip to town hellish. But it is only a week away and I must admit I am started to get excited. It would be better if it snowed, but I guess we can’t have everything we want.

Until there is a next time…


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December 17, 2001

Good luck with the interview 🙂

Hope tomorrow goes well and we all get some snow this side of the world for Christmas. I don’t think we’ve ever had a white christmas in my lifetime. 🙁 . Ah, well maybe this year.

Good luck tomorrow! (Hey! Stop moaning! I’m paying so that these servers can stay here! :op )

It snowed here today! Only the tiniest little flakes, but it definitely was snow. Good luck for the interview – will be thinking of you.

We don’t even have any snow yet! I wish we did though. Good luck on the interview! And thank you for the card :o)

*fingers crossed for today*