Policy of truth

‘This is my world, and I am, the world leader pretend’ REM – World Leader Pretend.

You know I wanted to write about what a great weekend I had, about how great it was to be away from the thought and pretence of work. Of how I can’t take the stress of an England game (what were the buggers playing at, leaving it until the last 90 seconds, I could barely take it a second longer & just felt so relieved at the end of it all, but we are there & Germany still have to qualify *evil laugh*). I wanted to tell you what a great time I had at Alnwick yesterday when Duncan decided to take me there for the day to get me out of Newcastle & distract me from the dark thoughts of the last few days. But instead I feel I must, absolutely must get the following off my chest.

So congratulations. You finally went ahead and did it. Do you feel proud of yourselves now? Has the healing process begun at last? Has it lessened the pain of losing a loved one? Does it make you feel justified, better, safer, happier? Quite frankly I hope you choke on that feeling.

I’ve watched almost 2 hours of news propaganda over the last 18 hours. I’ve watched the smug smiling faces of our ‘leaders’. I’ve listened to Bush-Blair (cos Blair is now so far up the ass of Bush in my opinion that you can’t tell where one stops and the other one starts) tell us that there is no ‘credible threat of retaliation’. Who are they trying to convince here? It’s alright for them behind their numerous security guards. They can say ‘go about your normal daily business and don’t let them try and change it’. If I had a veritable army of blokes surrounding my home & workplace all day, every day, I’d feel relatively safe. But I don’t. I heard the Sky ‘news’ reporter try & tell us that the claims of at least 20 dead in Afghanistan, can’t possibly be credible because they haven’t come from someone on ‘our side’. Why do I get the feeling that more will die & we will be spoon-fed something that tastes like the truth but seems increasingly harder to swallow.

Oh I know that there are those who think that there was no choice, that we had to strike back at terrorism in the same way. But you will not eliminate terrorism. You will merely push it back underground for a while, ready to re-emerge with more willing martyrs at a later date. You have to get to the root cause of terrorism. The freezing of assets is a good start. I presume this also means that the American-Irish communities will stop sending their money to the IRA? Not too sure about that one are you? hmmmm…. didn’t think so.

It goes without saying that I condemn unbelievably what happened last month. I still don’t know whether my ex-colleagues were in the WTC when it collapsed. The lack of news from my friend still niggles my thoughts from time to time. But with an equally vehement voice I condemn what happened last night as well. Flame me, attack me, I don’t care, this is my diary & my opinion only.

Until there is a next time…


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October 8, 2001

I totally agree with you – I really wish America could of just sat tight and waited a bit longer and showed us some proof and then taken hioff to an international court or something. I really don’t believe this is the way…. RYN: I think we say these things to ourselves cause thats what we want to believe….its our heads not our hearts talking LOL *hugs*


If you were Bush, what would you have done?

From Texas to Washington, Bush has built his entire career around revenge. Executions, bombings, this is what he shall be known for in the history books. And we’re stuck in the middle of all this s**t. Great.

ummm… i think bush is kinda stupid. he reaced too quickly.

I just think that sometimes there are groups of people who only speak one language – murder. Anyway, it’s all a load of bollocks really, I’m certainly not willing to have anything to do with a conflict which is intrinsically (from one side anyway) based on religion.

October 9, 2001

Well said.. so very well said.