Pieces of you

‘If you think growing up is tough, you’re just not grown up enough, baby’ Barenaked Ladies – Babyseat

I cracked, this theme was too good too miss really. Those of you who’ve been reading for a while will have heard this at some point or another.

What’s your favorite thing about OD? What’s your least favorite thing? What would you change about OD if you could change anything?

It’s hard to pinpoint just one favourite thing about OD. The fact that I am here, typing this, in Newcastle, with Duncan in the next room is, in some way, because of this site. When I started I was lonely. There ain’t no other word for it. Living in London was slowly but surely sucking me dry. And I hated it. I longed for escape to somewhere, anywhere. I hated feeling like I was pretending to be a grown-up; dressing up and going to meetings to discuss future web strategies, when really I felt like a student still. After Gary I was so far gone from me that nothing felt real. And then I found this site and had the chance to be myself. Perfect Circle is the part of me that, at times, can’t get out. The part of me that is actually, really me. I left London because I made a great friend through this site. I met Duncan because he was good friends with the great friend. And here I am today. A happier, more relaxed person, because I have this place. So maybe that is my favourite thing about OD – it exists and helps me to do so as well.

My least favourite thing? Easy. The pure elitism that has become the paid-for site. I swore I wouldn’t come here, but I was terrified into losing my diary. And that couldn’t happen. But before I paid, I dropped by from time to time, you know, to suss the place out. Like I was thinking of moving but had to check the neighbourhood out first. I was disappointed. The people I read seemed to look down on those at FreeOD as bludgers, people after a free lunch, not prepared to pay for the service they recieved. When really, for many, it isn’t like that. Some of us couldn’t afford to pay. Yes, it’s twenty US dollars, but have you seen the exchange rates for some countries? I have a friend in Australia who can’t move over because, as a single mum, she feels her son is more important than some six month subscription. But what I dislike most is how some people forgot their.. roots, you might say. They were quick to rubbish FreeOD & it’s slow server once they’d paid, but they’d been there once. It was like suddenly coming into money and forgetting the rest of your family, because they hadn’t.

If I could change one thing? I’d want it to be free again. Oh, I know, it can’t happen, not in the dotcom fallout. But I don’t see why anyone should miss out on the experience of making friends with people you’ve never met.

But then mine’s probably a simplistic view of it all.

Until there is a next time…


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I don’t miss the adverts though! See you on Friday!

April 24, 2002

I’ve not really noticed any elitism — just jumped away because I wasn’t able to re start my diary there and stayed away because the adverts are so annoying!

April 24, 2002

Seems like lately the snobby element has almost disappeared … or maybe its just that most of our friends are over here anyway! And now that OD have made it easier to skip between the two sites to visit diaries, its not so bad.But your firts point is very true – wonder if those behind this place know just how much it has changed so many people’s lives?

I love this place. The only people that don’t seem to understand just how important it is are people that don’t write here (It’s been over three years for me!) 🙂 There are some days I think I’d go mad without it!

April 25, 2002

I don’t look at free od people like that. I got my OD+ cause I wanted to try a new thing. I had a regular OD since nov 2000. I just like new things. I love trying new things. Like programs on my computer. I love getting the latest version. In fact, just to prove a point, most of my faves are on free OD. 😛

April 26, 2002

Fantastic entry 🙂 I don’t think I could choose a particular favourite thing.. just the fact that it is. That’s what I like. And the people 🙂 Have a great weekend, xxx

April 28, 2002

I remember coming to OD thinking I would get bored after a few months. But I didn’t and i’m still here after almost two years. You’re right. There does seem to exist a sense of elitism but for myself I enjoy both the free and paying site. I still post my entries on both. A lot of people I do and have read are still there. So, it seems only fair. I just enjoy writing, wherever it may be.