Perfect Circle

I think I was close to tears on Wednesday 15th. They actually played this song, my song. And the bitch next to me not only didn’t shut the hell up through it but also had the lyric sheet that was thrown into the crowd. I wanted to punch her right there and then. It was beautiful, amazing, fantastic and incredible and when they sang perfect circle, it felt like everything was right with the world, if only for that three minutes. I’m just sorry that Duncan wasn’t there, especially as they played Leave (which is unbelievably rare) and it’s his favourite song. Stupid cow next to me didn’t know that one either. Wtf was she doing there with a fanclub wristband on her arm.

I thought I’d add some photos (apologies to anyone on dial-up). I love my new digital camera. It allowed me to take some fab shots at the concert and then lighten them so they were even better. Can’t argue with progress sometimes.


I now have an account at flickr where there are some more REM shots plus some wedding ones as well.

I’m very excited about next weekend. I’m off to the 2005 bookcrossing unconvention in Birmingham. I’m looking forward to seeing people from last year and putting faces to more names. I’m also a little scared as I don’t do well in huge groups and the number of people going has doubled since last year. Duncan will be there (albeit probably in the corner, drinking and tutting over the number of books I pick up 😉 ) so it should hopefully be a very good weekend.

Until there is a next time…


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June 25, 2005

Fantastic pictures. I didn’t take my camera, mores the pity. Hope you have a great time at the unconvention, which I’m not going to, though some of the other Manchester BCers are going so you might meet them 🙂

June 26, 2005

They’re fantastic pictures. And, yes, you should have punched her 🙂

June 27, 2005

Going off to look at photos now! RYN: Got the flat and moved in at the weekend. will write about it all soon.