
You gotta love the media. I mean, really, who else could take this story and tell you not to panic whilst making you panic? Hopefully I’ll be able to get some chicken from my butcher cheaper this weekend as everyone else avoids buying it. Crazy, I tell you, the world is flipping crazy. Something like 10,000 (I think, I can’t remember where I saw that figure) people in the UK die from flu each year! That’s more than all the people in the far east that have died from Bird Flu in the past three years! Can we say over-reaction?

I have come to the conclusion that pregnancy is just one long worry. I mean, it shouldn’t be, it should be a happy, happy, joy, joy time. But I seem to have spent the first 12 weeks worrying about having another miscarriage and now I’m worrying about my weight. I’ve put on 3 pounds in total, in 16 weeks. I can’t help feeling this is wrong somehow, especially with all the crap I am eating right now – I’m now in the eat constantly phase and I’m limited at work to what I can eat, what with us only have a newsagents and a pub nearby. So how in the heck have I only managed to put on three pounds? Now I’m constantly checking myself in the mirror to see if I have a bump. But, as I’m doing this 2/3 times a day, I don’t think I’m gonna notice. It’s gonna take someone who hasn’t seen me for a while to point it out. But I am in maternity clothes now and can’t fit in my normal clothes, so something must be right, right?

The cat goes home in a week and not a moment too soon either. He peed in the nursery again this week but luckily, I caught it in time before it soaked into the floorboards and managed to avert disaster and stinky room. I really am not an animal person.

And that’s it. I should update more often, but then my life is such a routine of sleeping, reading,  working, checking my (virtually non-existant) bump and cleaning up after the cat right now that I fear I would simply bore you all to tears.

Until there is a next time…


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April 7, 2006


April 7, 2006

I usually have News 24 on in the background, but I’ve turned it off in the last couple of days. You’d think the four horsemen of the apocalypse had just ridden into town!

right! 🙂 have you asked the doctor about it? maybe it’s normal to not gain that much weight at first (no idea, as i’ve never been pregnant!)

April 7, 2006

Oh good grief, I am so relieved to read this. I saw your entry title and thought it was bad news…. So pleased you’re still safe and well. I think I’m going to go and have a little lie down. 🙂

April 7, 2006

I am sure everything is perfect, even more right than right. But you know if your worried maybe you should give the hospital a call and ask how much weight you should have put on by now, as a guide. I am so happy to hear your life is boring…it means there are no problems with you and bean and that is always a very good thing!! *hugs to all 3 of you*

April 11, 2006

The overreaction about bird flu actually makes me angry. It’s just so irresponsible.

April 16, 2006

RYN: you definitely should. I am having so much fun with mine. It was only £17.99 from Argos, and dead easy to install, too. Hope you’re still keeping well.