Ordinary life

‘But now I’m relaxed – I can’t be sure’ Matchbox 20 – If you’re gone

There is something I find infinitely relaxing about books. I can’t explain it. Since the age of 2 I have surrounded myself with books – granted at the age of 2 all I was doing was pulling them off the shelves & creating a mess on the floor, but it’s a start!

I went to Newcastle central library yesterday and immersed myself in books. I ended up coming away with 4. Two are directly related to the writing I’m doing at the moment and the other two just looked damn interesting. It’s not the reason I went, I have plenty of books at home to read, but still. But even though it is the main library of the town, I was still mildly unimpressed with the selection in various areas. So much so that afterwards I went to Waterstones, but got so annoyed because I couldn’t find anything and their media books section was pitiful, verging on pathetic.

I also looked for christmas present ideas for family and friends and came home with another 5 or 6 gift catalogues, which are now making a nice pile in the corner of the living room. I’ve found a couple of possibilities of what to get Duncan, but it mainly depends on the outcome of Thursday before I decide. I just have this awful feeling that for some inexplicable reason they are going to want a researcher & that I will be forced to hand my notice in. But hopefully it will all be over by Thursday lunchtime. I say hopefully because whether we are told this week depends on the outcome of today’s meeting. I’ve lost track now. I’m just going to continue in my little world until they decide to get their fingers out of their collective asses and let us know. How anyone can want to work for them after this fiasco, I have no idea.

Until there is a next time…


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im going to use moving to Australia as an excuse for doing christmas shopping by mail order on the internet!

November 6, 2001

argh I don’t want to even think about christmas shopping!!!!! I think I might cancel christmas this year! LOL I really hope that incompitent group of ppl that call themselves ur empoyers sort themselves out soon and what they are doing with you *hugs* take care hon and try not to worry too much!

I love books too..I think I get that from my mum though. Whenever she gets a new book she opens it up and smells it (she likes new-book smell). I never said she was normal.. 😉

Stay in your little world, it seems to be better than the one that the management try and get you to inhabit

I share the new-book fetish with teapot’s mum! My local library is pitiful too, it’s getting to the stage where i have read jst about everything I would ever want from there. No wonder I spend so much in the charity shops!!