One step closer

‘me, myself, I’ve got nothing to prove’ Tracy Chapman – Fast Car

Do you know what the current bane of my life is? Energy suppliers? I don’t know if it’s just Newcastle but at least once a week we get some pushy bloke from this, that or the other energy company who are convinced that we are better off with them. Since we moved in we’ve been supplied by Northern Gas & Electric, London Gas & Electric and now, for some inexplicable reason, Southern Gas & Electric. This last one came as a surprise to both of us. The annoying thing is, that they all claim they can save us money on our bills, but we haven’t had a freakin’ bill yet – how the hell do they know if they can save us money? Of course what we could do is keep switching companies in the hope that we avoid getting a bill ever, but I just end up seriously confused as to who we are getting the stuff from. I am past caring. As long as we have gas for the hot water & cooker & electricity for the computer, tv and various other things, then I don’t care where it comes from.

I received a job description this morning from yet another company – deputy editor for a women’s writing magazine. They enclosed a free copy of the magazine, which I have to be honest, interested me more than the job did. It was full of writing tips, people’s work and details of courses, competitions, ideas, and companies after submissions for short pieces. I think it is a magazine I will become a subscriber of (assuming I’m not deputy editor of it by Christmas anyway). The more I think about it, the more I am considering the freelancing side of things. As I said before, I am currently working on two different ideas. One can only be a novel & is slowly progressing – those who read the first chapter may get the second by christmas if they’re lucky! – and the other one has potential for either. At the moment it seems like a long story, but then it’s not finished coming to me yet. The idea is slightly unformed.

But I like this idea of working freelance as well. With my two days off next week I am going to the library to do some research into a couple of factual piece ideas I’ve had. There’s no good being determined to get work published if I never bother to write anything is there?

Until there is a next time…


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November 3, 2001

Good luck with the novel – my novel idea has really stopped dead at the moment. Instead I’ve got some short story ideas, just not really got the energy at the moment to put them down :-/

A man from Yorkshire Electricity came round about a month ago and I let him give his two minute long spiel on how he could save me money on my gas buill before I told him that I don’t actually have gas 🙂

The freelance thing sounds good, and you wouldn’t be limited on what you take on. Did you get to look at any freelance websites? Lots of work around, from eidting/proofreading to research and writing. Will be thinking of you Thursday…

November 4, 2001

The writing magazine job sounds like a good one.. good luck! 🙂

There is ALWAYS a next time. You’ll write. Peace and love,

Yes, get that second chapter written!! 🙂