On standby

You know, I know I’m leaving work in a little under 4 weeks but sometimes I think I’m still in denial about the whole thing. It’s not just the whole "Will I be a good sahm, will Zoe enjoy being at home all the time, will we find enough to do?" worries that I have, it’s other things too. I need to email home a load of stuff that’s saved on my work pc (which I won’t miss, btw, it’s slower than a snail for most of the day, which makes functionality very frustrating) and finish writing my comments for the HR woman & head of subtitling, who refused to come and do my exit interview. I know I’ll miss some things, like getting to see a show before everyone else (I’m currently enjoying seeing Lost on Friday morning whilst Duncan has to wait until Sunday night like the rest of the British viewing public. Today, I’m seeing tonight’s CSI, which really isn’t a bad way to spend the day. I feel I should be preparing in some way, but I’m not sure how, why or what that involves. I don’t know.

Had a decent bank holiday weekend. Spent Saturday afternoon in the garden, planting out some tomato plants and my sweetcorn plants and starting off some more tomatoes, rhubarb (for next year), pumpkin and butternut squash. We’ve really embraced the whole working garden thing this year, helped by Zoe who is loving watching things grow and watering the garden for us. We’ve decided on a zero tolerance approach with most of the shrubbery in there. The previous owners might have liked it, but we’re sick of turning our back for two days and turning round to see our garden looking dangerously like a scene from Day Of The Triffids again. So a lot of things are coming out altogether. It’s slow work, especially as our garden recycling is only taken every 2 weeks and we can fill one wheelie bin in 2 hours. I’m sure one of our neighbours despairs every time she looks out and sees our garden looking half bush and half veggie patch, but at least it’s not as bad as the other side, who does nothing with hers and it’s now half nettles. I feel sorry for whoever moves in after her.

Had some sleep issues with Zoe. Seems she’s figured out she can get out of bed in the middle of the night. Which sounds strange, I know. Up until last week, she never got out of bed unless we came in the room and asked her to. It was nice. But 3 times in the last week, she’s been wandering around upstairs at night. On Sunday night, it was 3am and she was wide awake. She stayed up till 6:30 before eventually going back to sleep (after her very mean mummy shouted at her. I know, but honestly, don’t stand there whinging that you’re tired if you don’t want to go to bed and actually sleep!) So she was in a right grump yesterday, very tired and of course, that was the only day of the bank holiday weekend that wasn’t sunny so we were indoors most of the day.

It’s mine and Duncan’s anniversary tomorrow. 4 years of marriage, if you can believe it. And, being the disorganised person I’ve become since having Zoe, I still haven’t got him a present (not that he’s got me one either). We had been doing the whole following the list on anniversaries – so 1st year was paper, so I got him a book and he got me a magazine subscriptipon. But 4th is electrical appliances, which hardly sounds like the most romantic idea in the world so we’re coming up with something else this time. Which is easier said than done when you’re married to the man who never wants anything. His best suggestion was some new earphones for his mp4 player. I’m considering that a last resort. So I have to go shopping after work tonight in the hope that something will just jump out at me. Can’t see that happening, somehow.

Until there is a next time…

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4 years already! where does the time go?! happy anniversary for tomorrow 😀

May 5, 2009

You and Zoe will find your own routine that’s going to be wonderful. Remind me again why I’m happy that Sam doesn’t roam in the night…Eva will, for sure, be a roamer. She’s staying caged in her cot as long as possible. Happy Anniversary! 🙂

May 5, 2009

Wow 4 years! That’s flown past. Have a great day!!

May 7, 2009

RYN: Yeah it is, I just ordered my internet services from BT, so hopefully they’ll be arriving early next week, ideally, Tuesday or Wednesday.