No surprises

‘I said close your eyes and imagine that I’m nice’ Beautiful South – Something that you said

Two more weeks to go. Only ten more days stuck in that horrible office attempting to be nice to people who are annoying, thick half-humans. It’s taking all my strength to not tell people exactly what I think of them right now. Like Jon, who follows every inane comment to me with ‘so, are you less stressed now?’ I wasn’t aware that staring blankly at a pc screen and twiddling your thumbs whilst quietly humming was a sign of stress these days. I don’t know if it’s just the rest of my team, but everyone else seems to make it much harder for themselves. I have my system, and it allows me to run the area smoothly, with minimum input and hassle. But apparently no-one else in the company ever thought of working that way. It’s quite nice to feel superior to these people. Of course those superior feelings will be helped by knowing that I am finally getting out of that place, but we’ll just have to wait a little longer on that one. This afternoon I shall finish applying for four more jobs and cross fingers once again.

Quiet week this week. Watched some of the England game, but wasn’t that fussed. I had wanted to see Jansen finally get his first England cap, but I guess I’ll have to wait a bit longer for that. Was more interested in watching the various rovers players in the Ireland vs USA game. On Thursday we went for ‘bon voyage’ drinks with Mary and Richard. Mary went to Jersey yesterday where she is staying until Wednesday before heading to Italy to see Lee for a week. By the time she gets back it will be Saturday 4th of May and we will have less than 24 hours before we leave Newcastle. In those final few hours I have to pack everything as I am borrowing Mary’s rucksack, the one currently in Jersey. I don’t like making things easy for myself. Anyway, we had a few drinks (a few more than planned anyway) and relaxed, chatting away about just about anything, including reasons why Mary’s toenail is about to fall off. I’m not alone, surely, in thinking that she should have gone to see someone about this ages ago. I wasn’t aware that toenails falling off was something normal, but maybe I’m wrong.

This week I have three late shifts to look forward to (having had to swap the ones I’d been given whilst in SA) and the Blackburn game on tv. Of course there is also the prospect of large amounts of alcohol next Friday night and getting my hair chopped and dyed on Saturday with a stinking hangover (as is usually the case when I get my hair done, I can’t explain it!). Then it will only be one week to go. You’d think I was looking forward to getting away for a few weeks or something! 🙂

Until there is a next time…


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only two weeks to go? yikes! ryn: what’s up with that, huh? No words, just your name. Bah!

Surely you should get your hair done *whilst* drunk? That’d be a lot more fun!

April 20, 2002

*still cringing at the thought of rotting toenails* Two weeks? Woohoo!

April 20, 2002

I think doing things while hung over makes them easier, coz you just don’t care!

ryn: The thought hadn’t crossed my mind, but, hell, I’ll try anything once!

April 20, 2002

my mum has had toenails fall off – a consequence of too much running (marathons and the like) apparently. does sound yukky though.

April 22, 2002

Last time I got my hair cut when hungover, I completely ignored what the hairdresser was asking/telling me, and basically let her do what she wanted. I then cried. Hope yours is a damn sight better 🙂 xxx

April 28, 2002

Having read your most recent entry on hair dye and hangovers I suspect the girl who did your hair might have been a bit pickled.