Monty got a raw deal

‘I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee’ Carly Simon – You’re so vain

I always thought it would be nice to have coupley friends. Not that I don’t want single friends, but that it would be nice to be friends with couples so that we could go out drinking, without someone feeling awkward and left out, or so that we weren’t surrounded by people who wanted to go out, get hammered, and get laid. I thought it would be nice, in a, not wanting sound like a smug ‘married’ person, kind of way. But it’s not.

When Tony started seeing Kelly, I thought it would be great – finally we had another friend who’s part of a couple, now we no longer felt like we couldn’t hold hands and be all togetherish in front of our friends (is this making any sense?) And Kelly’s a nice person (I wanted to write girl, but we’re both 26 and it seems kind of strange to write girl for someone who’s 26). But, and I’m not the only one, I get the feeling she doesn’t really like us very much. She’s never said anything, but it’s just a feeling. It’s not like we’re an extremely close group with in-jokes and nicknames. Anyone spending 10 minutes with us can work out the jokes, which are repetitive and continuous, but definitely not exclusive. Anyway, today is Kelly’s birthday and tonight we are expected to attend a dinner/drinks thing in Jesmond. Maybe I’m being petty but as neither Tony nor Kelly could be bothered to come out for my birthday, why the hell should I return the favour? Especially when we are only told the night before what is going on (when everyone else knew mid-week) and are made to feel terrible because we can’t make it for 7pm. Apparently we are going to the type of restaurant that demands you are seated by x time and if someone doesn’t turn up, they add an extra £5 to the bill for the ‘inconvenience’. What inconvenience I don’t know, the hassle of not cooking one more dinner, what a trauma. I tried to point out that Duncan works until 6, won’t be home until 6:30 and there’s no way we’ll be at the restaurant for 7 but it feel on deaf ears. If we’d known dinner was so early, we’d never have agreed to go.

I feel better for getting that off my chest. My friends seem so… annoying at times, or is it me? Am I being unreasonable by not dashing around and busting a gut to be there on time when they never even managed to make the effort, or come up with an apology, for not coming to my birthday celebration. It feels so petty, and I’m sure Duncan thinks I’m being petty. Maybe I am.

The certificate came through on Thursday. It is official, I have no detrimental criminal record of any kind. In fact I have no criminal record, and I’m allowed to work with children. Following much discussion at work and at the school, it has been agreed that I start at the school on April 1st (April Fools Day, could be a mistake!) I’m still looking for another job, but will be in a better position to do so, once I have completed the two weeks. Of course it’s all too late for starting uni this September, but I guess it gives more time to finish my a-level and attempt to save some money to add to the money I’ll get for studying.

Until there is a next time…


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March 15, 2003

We used to sing “grounds in my coffee.” Two wrongs will never be right and your friends are no different from anyone else. It’s all about them, no? Give more love to feel more love. The only person you will ever control is you. They want control. They won’t get it.

March 15, 2003

oh you smug married, you! *smile*

March 15, 2003

Well I don’t know if it’s petty or not but I would have done the same. Not being told until the night before kind of says it’s an afterthought especially if they knew you would be pushed for time. Maybe I’m pettier! And I know how you felt in that last entry – other people’s perception of ‘having-no-money-whilst-going-on-2-holidays-a-year’ can be intensely infuriating!

March 15, 2003

You’re not being at all unreasonable – it’s totally unfair for them to expect you to be available at such short notice, and you have every right to be annoyed about the way they treated you on your birthday. Hope the night wasn’t a total waste!

March 16, 2003

If a friendship is annoying, then is it a friendship?

March 16, 2003

Friends, eh? Who would have ’em?

I don’t think you’re being petty at all. In fact I think you have every right to feel that way!