Man-sized Wreath

The appointment with my doctor didn’t go all that well. My, ‘probably a virus’ turned out to be gallstones (although the kind that, atm, don’t give me any problems) and fatty deposits on my liver. The upshot of it all is that I need to lose weight. Unfortunately, it seemed that once it was decided that was what needed to happen, my GP turned from a nice woman into a horrible doctor again. She told me that having pcos does not make it harder for me to lose weight (I beg to differ, as does the research) and that whilst I needed to lose weight for health reasons, she couldn’t give me any help, recommend someone, etc, etc. Maybe I was expecting too much from her. I kind of thought that if this was necessary, that maybe they’d try to help me now, you know, before something truly terrible happens. But no, instead she told me to not eat any fat, (which is virtually impossible plus there are good fats and bad fats, but did she explain all this to me? No) and that meant nothing like, "chips, fried food, fast food" I tried to explain that I don’t eat anything like that on anything like a regular basis, but she looked at me as if to say, "You lie, you lie!" I left the surgery, went home and cried.

Which is why I’m thankful I have a lovely nutrional therapist. As Duncan pointed out, I am paying her, but she could have been mean and I’d still be paying her, so nice is a bonus. We went through my diet, where I’m going wrong (didn’t take a genius, it was all the sugar I was scoffing) and worked on a workable eating plan. This is what I kind of thought my doctor would do, or at least recommend someone that could help me do this. She had no idea I was seeing a nutrionalist anyway. The plan is to balance the blood sugar, which should mean the weight comes down, the hormones rebalance and my cycles start to look normal again.

So, here I am, ten days on from the GP and six days on from the nutritionalist and it’s so much easier than I thought it would be. I’m still getting ‘treats’ – a small bar of chocolate or a couple of biscuits in the evening, so it’s not like I’m craving chocolate & sugar, but during the day, it’s more fruit, salads and wholegrains. I felt so much more positive on Saturday afternoon. I’ve lost 2 pounds already. Yay me!

The slight downside to this is we’ve stopped trying for another baby for a couple of months, just to give me a chance to lose some weight and see about getting my cycles more normal. Hopefully, if this happens, getting pregnant won’t be quite such a mission. I felt quite teary about this on Tuesday night. I know it’s the right decision, but I had to get Duncan to make it because I couldn’t bring myself to say, "We’re stopping." I know it’s only 2ish months (the rest of this cycle & the next, which was about 10 weeks when we made the decision) and I know that doing this will be much better for me in the long run, but it means the age gap will be at least 3 years and, tbh, that’s a bigger age gap than I wanted. We should have done this a long time ago really though and I really have no-one to blame but myself and my chocolate-eating ways.

So, onwards and upwards.

Until there is a next time…


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August 15, 2008

Hi. Saw you on the front page. Sounds like you’ve got a lot going on in your life. I had to deal with a fatfree diet for 10 months while I was in grad school & doing an internship to avoid gallbladder surgery. FWIW, skinless turkey & chicken are good low-fat meats (if you’re not vegetarian). Hard pretzels are a good no-fat/low-fat snack. I also learned to use low salt fat-free meat stocks as butter substitues in mashed potatoes & cooking rice. If you like rice, you can cook it right in the stock, instead of with water. Gives it a great flavor. I also found a website that has lots of good lowfat/fatfree recipes. Here’s the link – Just click on the “searchable recipe archive”. Good luck. Hope that things work out & you’re able to have the child that you want. Take care.

a “fat free” diet is friggin impossible, and also, not good for you, as you need SOME fat in your diet. your doctor is on CRACK. i’m sorry she’s crap. *HUG*

August 17, 2008

Hey, I’m in the UK too, and I’m desperate to loose weight. Everyone says I don’t need to but at 5ft 8 and 15 and a half stone I think I need to do something. Perhaps we could share tips and recipes? x x