Love today

I find myself with so little time these days that I rarely have time to update. It’s not like I don’t have anything to say. I could prattle on for days about Zoe, but quite frankly, I think I’d bore myself after a while with entries on her almost-walking, almost-talking state, how cute her smile is, how delightful she is, etc, etc. I could write loads about my course. I went to London, well, Sunningdale, near Ascot, a couple of weekends back for a post-natal leaders forum which gave me ideas and lots to go away and think about. I’m currently working on a presentation which forms the basis of my first assignment. I could tell how I think my mind is falling out slowly (I actually forgot to wash my hair in the shower the other day. I got it wet and then turned off the shower and got out. It didn’t occur to me until 90 minutes later,  on the way to work, that my hair was feeling rather skanky)

I could tell you all those things and more, the random outpourings of my mind from late nights, early mornings and long train journeys. I’ve composed entry after entry over the last 2/3 weeks and still not found the time to write them. I could do it now, but I won’t, I’m swiping a survey instead because it’s the middle of the day, I’m meant to be subtitling and I can’t think beyond 5pm and leaving this office to go home to my family.

Survey stolen from Captain Wow.

1) What does your online diary name mean, and why did you pick it?

Nothing to do with the band. Perfect Circle is one of my favourite REM tracks and when I first got online, I thought it’d be a great email address. It was taken but, since then, I use it on just about every site I’m a member of. If you’re on a site and there’s a perfect circle (or perfect-circle or perfectcircle77) chances are, it’s me.

 2) When did you first get an online diary?

I joined OD in March 2000. It’s my first and only online diary. 

3) Why did you first start an online diary?

Because after 2 days of reading various entries on here, it seemed only fair to give something back. It’s also a lot cheaper than therapy. 

4) How did you find

I was at my new Web Editor job, trying to find an online financial diary – one that would tell me when quarters ended and when the Bank of England met and other dull things like that. Apparently, putting financial diary into Yahoo eventually brought up this place. It looked interesting, I did no work for two days, the rest, as they say, is history.

5) When writing an entry, do you believe you are writing for you or the reader?

Bit of both. Sometimes I’m writing because I’ve not done so for a while and feel that I should make some entry. Other times are cathartic entries for me. Although, I’ve always said, if you’re writing on this site and it’s not a private entry then really, deep down, it’s always for other people.

6) When writing an entry, are you completely honest?

Yeah, there’s no point in not being really, is there? I don’t understand people who lie, set up fake diaries, etc, for entertainment purposes. Or maybe I’m just too trusting.

7) Describe your writing setting:

Anywhere with a computer and internet access. I could be at home, in the spare room, surrounded by clutter, or in the office, delaying work.

8) Is anyone that you know (in real life) allowed to read your diary?

I knew nobody when I started but I’ve made friends along the way who read, if that makes sense.

9) Do you know anyone in real life with a diary, which you are allowed to read?

As above. 

10) Has anyone found your diary that you really didn’t want to find it?

If they have, they haven’t said anything about it. I’m not evil enough about anyone though, so even if they did find it, I don’t think most would be too upset (except maybe the mother in law)

11) Do you believe writing in your online diary is therapeutic?

Yeah, it’s a lot cheaper than the hours of therapy I would no doubt have needed without it.

12. How many entries do you have?

600 or so, I think. I’d have to check.

13) Do you have any entries that are private?


14) If you answered yes to that, (without getting too personal), why don’t you want people to see them?

I don’t have private entries cos I don’t see the point. Why write online if you’re not gonna let anyone see it?

15) How many favourites do you have?

No idea, 20ish maybe, although they’re not all regular writers. I don’t like to have too many because I can’t keep up with entries and notes. 

16) Do you know who your first favourite was?

I have no idea, I had to go back and look at my first notes. I’d hazard a guess at *sigh* and Pulsar, neither are still on OD, as far as I know. (Sidebar, looking over those first notes made me a little blue. What happened to all those people, why did they disappear from OD, where are they now? There should be an OD reunited, ala friends reunited, just so I can answer those questions.)

17) Who on your current faves list has been on it the longest?

I’m almost certain it’s Donut, she’s been reading since almost the very beginning. blueberrymarcus isn’t far behind.

18) Which of your faves is most similar to you? Why?

Most of my favourites have similar personalities to me, but in different ways.

19) Which of your faves is most different from you? Why?

 Again, most are different to me in some way. What a rubbishy wishy-washy answer, but it’s the best you’re gonna get from me at this time of day.

20) Your entire faves list has updated – whose entry do you go and read first? Second? Third? Fourth? And fifth? Any particular reason? 

I read from bottom to top of the updated last list, no favourtism with my favourites.

21) Who is your newest fave? 

 I have no idea, it’s been a long time since I added someone new to my list. I think it would be Captain Wow, and he’s been on there a while now.

22) If you could meet any of your favs in real life (and you knew for sure they weren’t an ax murderer, who would you pick and why?) 

I’ve met some of them already and I’d love to meet all of them at some point. But, in particular, MrsB, just because we’ve chatted for so long that we should just meet up. I’d also quite like to go to a Rovers game with Captain Wow.

23) Do you talk to your favs online? 

 Not any more. I used to chat to Donut, MrsB, and a few others since gone from OD, on ICQ all the time whilst I was working in London. 

24) Have you ever written an entry while too intoxicated?

No, the most I can do whilst too intoxicated is giggle or sleep. Being able to type coherently whilst drunk is not something I can manage. Which is a good thing.

<p>25) Do you feel accepted by the diary community?

Am I supposed to? I don’t think I have all that much in common with a large proportion of the site, so I wouldn’t expect to be accepted by everyone.  

26) Have you secretly fell in love (or had a crush on) a diarist?

Well………….. It was hardly a secret. If you don’t know the story already, it’s along the lines of meet ODer online, chat, meet in real life, fall for him, he doesn’t fall for me but becomes good friend and convinces me to move to Newcastle, introduces me to my future husband. Your classic rom com story! lol.

27) Have you ever read an entry that really moved you?

I’m sure I have, I’ve been here 7 years. Most recently, rumtumtugger’s entry.

28) Has anyone written anything that made you cry?

Plenty of people, for different reasons.

29) What are your favourite kinds of entries to read?

*edit* I just realised, reading back over that the original answer wasn’t mine, I’d forgotten to take out Captain Wow’s. I like to read almost all entries, although whether I have the mental capacity to note the deep and meaningful ones is dependant on the time of day. Most of the time though, the simple entries that tell me all is OK in my faves’ world is enough for me.

30) After writing an entry, how long do you wait to see if you have notes?

Straight away, I’m needy. No, when I next remember to come to the site, although I make more of an effort to visit if I’ve written recently.

31) If you don’t have notes, do you feel let down?

Yes, why aren’t all my favourites sitting around waiting for me to update?! No, I just figure people are enjoying their lives. 

32) How many notes do you usually get?

4, 5, 6? I don’t know, I don’t count and it depends on the entry.

33) Did you know the more notes you leave, the more notes you get?

That may well be true, but I have no intention of just randomly noting people just to get more notes. Seems rather desperate and tragic really. Although, of course, it only takes a random note on a diary to become a favourite (or some other such gubbins) Anyway, my visits here are usually flying, I don’t have time to read random entries.

34) Do you delete mean or nasty notes?

I don’t think I’ve ever had any. I don’t think I’m controversial enough to warrant mean notes.

35) Have you ever left a nasty note and not signed your name?

No, why would I? If you’re gonna say something mean, have the guts to put your name next to it. Otherwise, go away and come back when you’ve grown some.

36) Have you ever left a note on a person’s diary, just to make them feel better?

Not for that sole purpose. If I feel that my advice, story, words will help them deal with something better, then I’ll note. I do leave blank notes on some faves, but that’s more a, "I was here, I have nothing meaningful to say but I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring you."

37) Do you keep a paper copy of your online diary?

Good God, do you think I have time? I used to download all entries and notes. I have them on discs up to around 500 or so, but I haven’t done it in a while. I lost a couple of entries in the Hack of ’04 but nothing substantial. I really should download the rest though, I’d hate to lose them.

38) Do you go back and reread your past entries?

Yes, I’m a nostalgic old bint. I re-read my pregnancy and birth announcements when Zoe turned one. It felt like a lifetime ago. 

39) What’s the most interesting thing you can think of about Opendiary?

Lots of things. The people you can meet, the topics up for discussion, the way that one entry, one note, can leave a lasting impression on your whole life. Without this place, I doubt I’d be enjoying the life I have today.

Until there is a next time…


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October 23, 2007

I might have to nab this one, and I totally agree…oneday we HAVE to meet!!!

I miss you!! And I had totally forgotten that Tony (was that his name?? My memory is crap) had an OD. heheh.

October 24, 2007

I never knew about your ‘rom com’ story. The world does work in very strange ways!

If you ever get chance to head down to Ewood let me know and I’ll grab a ticket. I think I’m away from the Newcastle game otherwise I’d suggest that.

October 30, 2007

You should go to a Rovers game with Captain Wow, he’s very good footballing company, even if he did make me sit with the away fans at Anfield.. xxxx