let’s get it started

Thank you for all your congratulations for the house and the pregnancy. I’ve been up and down emotionally recently, especially with the miscarriage from last time but now I am further along than when we had the miscarriage, I feel a bit better emotionally. Physically, I’m a wreck – constantly shattered and constant nausea which has worsened over the last couple of days. I guess this is a good thing, it means the pregnancy is progressing and hormone levels are good and high. However, leaning over the toilet thinking you’re gonna chuck up your dinner for the 3rd day running is not so good.

We had our bath fitted yesterday, must remember to take some half-way pics (in that, the bathroom is now halfway to being finished, just need to redecorate and tidy it up a bit). The plumbers were here for nearly 6 hours, which is a long time when you have nausea and constantly feel the need to use the toilet. They weren’t the greatest people, a little unorganised and rubbish at measuring, but the bath is in and that’s the main thing. Wallpaper stripping and paint buying is next, along with a little retiling that needs doing.

Also met my midwife for the first time yesterday, she seemed a little dizzy, hopefully it was just one of those days. She was supposed to come at 2:30 but didn’t. She finally called me at 3:45 to say, "I know I’m supposed to be coming to see you today, but what time is our appointment?" Not a good start. She went through my history and then tried to tell me I was only 3 weeks pregnant and how did I know I was pregnant. I pointed out I was 5 weeks already and she realised she’d got her dates mixed up. She gave me a due date of Sept 26th, I worked out Sept 25th. Not good either but she was forgiven because she was (quite easily) manipulated into arranging an early scan for me by calling the hospital and pretending I’d had some spotting. Of course, I haven’t, everything’s been a-ok so far, but it’s the only way to get an early scan round here it seems. So I’m all booked in for Feb 9th when I should see my little bean and, hopefully, hear the heartbeat. Once we’ve had this, we’re gonna tell family and friends (assuming I can keep my mouth shut until then, I’m failing miserably so far!)

It’s exciting and to be honest, it feels like life’s been a whirlwind since just before Christmas when we sorted the house out. I don’t think either of us have really had time to take it all in yet – not just the baby, but having our own place as well.

I had a good birthday, quiet cos I was so tired. Duncan got me tickets to the Newcastle v Blackburn football match on the Saturday, which was fab (all the more so cos we won 1-0) and then took me out for dinner afterwards. We had our friends over on Sunday to see the house and have cookies with us. It was hard not to tell them, especially cos they were talking about going to a wedding in September (Tony’s brother, but we know him fairly well, he came to our reception) and I could see Kelly was unsure about talking about it in front of us as we certainly aren’t invited all day, if at all, so I wanted to say, "Don’t worry, we’re not upset about not going, we won’t be able to go anyway cos of the pregnancy." But I had to keep my mouth shut. I know they’d be happy for us and I know people would say, oh, you should tell them anyway cos if something goes wrong, they’ll support you, but, to be honest, they weren’t very supportive last time so I’d rather rely on the people who were there for us and let them share the good news first. It’s weird cos even though we’re at the same stage in life as Tony and Kelly – married, kid (or on the way at least), I don’t feel like we have anything in common with them anymore but we really don’t know all that many people in Newcastle (which is very sad after being here over 5 years). Sometimes I wonder if we’re all still friends because it’s familiar, rather than because we actually have anything in common any more. Does that even make sense? I’m not sure, tiredness is addling my brain.

Until there is a next time…


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if i were you, i’d get a new midwife, stat. this woman seems totally incompetent! p.s. i’m still so, so excited for you!! eeeeeee!

p.p.s. happy birthday!! *HUG*

January 27, 2006

I wonder that about my friends too. Am very happy things are progressing well.

January 27, 2006

I was wondering how you were going, it all sounds very positive – sorry about the morning sickness though, but hopefully that will pass at the end of your first trimester. Let us know how you go *hugs*

February 1, 2006

And then last night they went and beat Man U! Blimey, wonders will never cease ;)V. pleased things are progressing.