Learn to fly

‘I’m falling apart in your hands again’ Shakira – Objection (Tango)

I feel small, sad, suddenly quite alone. I don’t know if it’s the time of year or what, but I want to curl up in a ball and ignore everything and everyone.

I was 15 when I first tried to kill myself. A messed-up, confusion filled teenager struggling to cope with the pressure of gcses and the expections of her family. Before me, only 1 person on my father’s side of the family went to university, and that was my uncle. Now at 15 I was expected to pass my exams with 9 A grades and trot off to 6th form, pass my a-levels and continue on to university. Do not pass go, do not collect £200, just do whatever it is that everyone else wants of you. And I hated it. I couldn’t see past the end of school, I didn’t want to see past the end of school, because to do that was to admit that, as much as school had been a big pain in the ass, it was comfortable, predictable and secure. Leaving meant a big world with strange and scary people in. So one night, around the start of my final year in school, my friends and I got a bottle of alcohol, from god only remembers where, and proceeded to drink it. I didn’t have that much, between five of us there wasn’t that much for each of us. But I remember having some and remember feeling that there was only one way out of the perceived mess in my mind. To end it all. No-one would notice, my mum was remarried with two new children (and another one on the way although I wouldn’t find that out for another couple of weeks), why would I matter anymore?

So I started to try and climb the concrete barriers at the side of the road. Below, the constant traffic of the M6. I didn’t get to sit on the barrier, much less throw myself off it, a friend grabbed my arm and pulled me down on to the pavement. They thought I was mucking about, taking it too far and in that moment, I knew that explaining what was screwing up my head, would be a waste of time to them. So I laughed it off, shook my head and headed off home.

I can’t remember how many attempts there have been since. I remember them, I just don’t care to count them, much less give them thought in my head. It’s not where I am now, I’m not wandering the house looking for the paracetamol (although I have a splitting headache and need something), but I just want to curl up in a ball and be left alone for a few days to work myself out of this.

My sister turned 13 on Wednesday. Maybe that’s it. Maybe I suddenly feel old. If I’m lucky I’ll have finished my pgce by the time I turn 27. I can’t help but feel that this is something I should have decided on a long time ago, that everything over the past few years has been a waste of time. I don’t feel able to go back to my crappy job. I’ve been off since wednesday afternoon with a stomach bug of some sort – maybe it’s my body’s way of telling me that the job is destroying some part of me, and this is a fight back. Or perhaps I just feel like right now, I don’t have a clue what is going on in my own head. That feeling takes me back to being a teenager, not knowing anything but being expected to do everything.

Until there is a next time…


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I’m off too – I strongly suspect this time of year has something to do with it; the miserable weather combined with the knowledge that yet another year is about to pass. It’ll be summer again soon.

November 15, 2002

The past is what we learn from to shape our future. Don’t see the crappy jobs as a waste of your life, just use them as a reminder to do the best to stop them flow of crappy jobs xxx

November 15, 2002

I hope that this won’t sound like I’m belittling how you feel: but have you tried getting some fresh air and sunshine? We are all so much more affected by the lack of natural light than we think. I only recently realised that I become convinced my life is worthless every single February…. I hope that things pick up for you. Doing a PGCE is one of the most worthwhile things in the world.

November 15, 2002

take care,

November 15, 2002

You are going to make a fantastic teacher and 27 is about perfect to start teaching! I hope your small ball ness passes. I am also a sufferer of such affliction! Take care Xxx

November 17, 2002

Sorry you feel so much pressure – seems to be a way of life nowadays. Take it easy – you sound like your life’s on track – maybe you just need a break. Get off the roundabout for a few days.

Hell, I’ll be 30 by the time I’m finished school! Consider yourself lucky you’ll only be 27! 🙂 By the way, did you know I’m coming to the UK at the end of April? Well I am!

December 1, 2002

and I’ll be nearly 35 when I graduate!! I kinow I’m not the best at keeping in touch, but you know where i am if you ever need a chat. Take care x