Killer Queen

It’s been an insanely busy couple of weeks here. I left my job on Friday 29th May. I feel… well, nothing right now. I’m sad to have left and I feel like I’ve left friends behind, which is a shame. I never left because I hated my colleagues or the overall premis of my job, I left because of the office politics and the general shiteness with which we are treated by the London office. The head of subtitling and the HR part time woman even refused to come and do my exit interview, which they usually do for everyone who leaves. I wrote them a nice long comment on the back of my exit form I was given, telling them why I was leaving, with examples and everything. Not that they’ll pay the slightest bit of attention to it, but you never know, someday, someone in that company might come across it and realise why Newcastle office think the London office and management are wankers and why we had to join a union.

But, like I said, I don’t really miss it yet, but it’s only been a week and I was on holiday for most of it anyway. In a month or so, it might feel different but not right now. I’m looking forward to not getting up early on Tuesday morning but I’m not looking forward to dealing with a selectively hard of hearing child who is contrary about everything. I guess this is something I’ll have to get used to.

Not that I won’t be working and bringing the money in. I was sent some details of a vague website related job a month ago, working 4 hours a day, Monday to Friday, from home, and when I do those 4 hours is entirely up to me. It wasn’t a desperate need for a job, and, tbh, after the phone interview, I wasn’t convinced it was mine. But, lo and behold, just before we went away, I got an email offering me the job. It’s all very secretive, working for a major client, doing search engine research and it’ll run to the end of next June. So now I have to sort myself out as self employed and get all that tied up and work out what the hell it entails. Depending on the exchange rate (it’s an american company and the pay rate is given in dollars), I’ll be earning about two thirds of what I was getting previously but not paying for childcare out of that, so hopefully our finances will improve further this year and it’ll take some of the sting out of Duncan’s bonuses getting less and less, thanks to the recession.

We had a lovely holiday as well, 5 days at Centre Parcs in the Lake District. Never been before and didn’t know really what to expect beyond a family-orientated place, but it was very good. We were quite close to the main restaurant area (5 minutes on the bikes) but far enough away so as not to be surrounded by people. We, well, Duncan, took Zoe ‘swimming’ 3 times, by which I mean, she splashed about in a pool but not much more. She’s never been swimming of any description before and we weren’t sure she’d like it, but she soon warmed up to it. I did some messy play with Zoe on Wednesday, she loved the painting and sticking, and then on Thursday we did a teddy bear’s picnic. She was absolutely fine until they brought out someone dressed as Rupert and she became instantly terrified, so we left. We had hoped to visit my family when we left CP on Friday morning but Zoe had a sore ear and I wanted to get her to the doctors in case it was (yet another) ear infection – it wasn’t, thankfully, but we still have ear drops to put in.

Got back to find my fertility appointment for next Wednesday had been cancelled with no rescheduled appointment given. Someone had written on the official letter that they might be able to reschedule for August at the same hospital or earlier if we were prepared to travel to Hexham (about 30 – 40 minutes drive). I was, quite frankly, ready to cry. I haven’t ovulated in at least 6 months now, if not longer, and the thought of waiting another couple of months just to see if I can get the drugs to make me ovulate was pretty depressing. Thankfully, when I called, they’ve managed to get me in to see another specialist 2 weeks later, so just a short extra wait, but still, it’s more waiting. On a forum I frequent, there are women there who started trying the same time as me and are now about to give birth or have in the last couple of months. It’s depressing and sometimes I become convinced that it’s because I was such a shit mum to Zoe to begin with that I don’t deserve another one. Like I said, depressing, but (probably) not really true.

Until there is a next time…

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You know that’s not true (the part about you being a shit mum and that’s why you’re having a rough time having a second one), so stop that sort of talk. 😛 the “selectively hard of hearing” thing made me chuckle. then again, i’m 31 and i still have selective hearing. 😉

June 7, 2009

yay, for job leaving. I’m all over tha one 🙂 My friends have commented on Centre Parcs, i think I would love to go and I’m an adult! So pleased you guys had fun. Although I believe in karma – I don’t think it applies in this instance. You were ill when you first had Zoe. And as my mother frequently says – having kids requires you to feel inadequate for the rest of your life. I do believe that with the popping of some pills you’ll be up the duff in no time. 🙂 If you’re free babe, wanna catch up in the next month?

June 7, 2009

Holiday sounds fun and the job sounds very intriguing … any more going??! And there’s no way you’re a shit mum, don’t ever say that. Motherhood is a bloody difficult job and all you can ever do is your best. If it’s any consolation I didn’t bond at all with Dan when he was born and uffered bad PND too – in fact one day I found myself about to shake him because he was crying so much …. it didn’t affect anything and we have a great relationship (most of the time!) Enjoy this week’s lie ins!

June 9, 2009

Strawberry Festival is in Stocksfield. I think it might be based at a farm. Once I get more info, I’ll let you know. Even if it’s just strawberry picking, I’m up for it 🙂

June 15, 2009

Well i’m a sucker for ice cream! Plus I hear they’ve opened up a new swish play area for kids behind the lake, I bet zoe would love that 🙂 By the way with predictive text one of the alternatives for zoe is xmen lol. Oh and not free this week but oh so free towards the end of next week! Would you mind if we met up with another od’r? She’s based in sunderland and bored 🙂 Oh and guess what! Finished Birdsong! Lovely. X

June 18, 2009

It’s Caitra. If you search for that I’m sure you’ll find her 🙂 Next Friday is best for me. Food again? 🙂