Keeping the dream alive

‘It’s Christmas time, there’s no need to be afraid’ Band Aid – Do they know it’s Christmas (feed the world)

After almost 6 weeks, things finally seem to be looking up for us. Yesterday Duncan was finally accepted on his computer course – after loads of hassles from the career development loan people over his visa. This means that hopefully, in a matter of months he will have left BT & will be doing something he actually wants to do. All we need now is for me to get the council job and we should be pretty much sorted. So much so that, assuming all goes to plan, we will be buying our own house sometime in the next 12-18 months. Woo hoo!!!!

I went to see James on Tuesday with Mary. I really didn’t want to go to be honest. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed & wait until everything seemed slightly better. I am, of course glad that I went though. The whole night was amazing – Tim Booth can certainly move! It was great to see them before Tim (the lead singer) left, although I wish they’d done some more recent stuff. I knew about a third of the songs – they did loads of very, very early (circa 1982) stuff which I didn’t know at all. But it was still great & the support band were, for once, good as well (Turin Brakes for anyone interested). I came home cold & tired but happy.

We didn’t do anything yesterday except laze around and watch loads of tv. Since we got the digital system installed we seem to listen to less and less of our own music. We either watch Kerrang or MTV2 or else just listen to the stuff we’ve downloaded instead. Makes me wonder now whether buying 100+ cds whilst being a student was a good investment after all! However, once we get a new car (hopefully with cd player this time) I’m sure we’ll be back to listening loads.

Today is job day again. Still no word from the council. I’m hoping that I’ll get the letter in the next 7 days maximum or we can safely say that it’s another rejection. Looks like temping or bar work (or both) beckon *shudders*. We also have our pub quiz night tonight as well. I don’t really feel in the mood for it at the moment, but that is more to do with the fact that I seem to end up annoyed with my friends by the end of the evening. Every week we think that this week maybe better, but I’m not holding my breath anymore to be honest. Do all friendships go through this? I suppose it’s made worse by the fact that we have a very small group of friends in Newcastle. Had I started dating someone else, outside the group, then it would have brought a whole new set, but, nevermind. Maybe working in the Newcastle area will help. It’s hard to form friendships with people you work with when you live 50 miles away and can never go out for drinks with them.

Until there is a next time…


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Hi! Check out my diary…

December 6, 2001

The quiz night is starting to sound more stressful than fun! Congrats to Duncan for finally getting in and sorted out. I am sure you will do fine with the job – someone out there is waiting for someone just like you to employ….hoping they are the ones:) Oooh this house thing still sounds very adult and responsible doesn’t it *g* *hugs* take care hon:)

December 6, 2001

Glad to see things are on the up. Anyway, you can’t beat seeing bands live – and CDs are always worth it (well, assuming they’re good CDs *grin*)

Looks like it’s been a good day for both of us! Thanks for your email…and yes, you did tell me so! Bet James were good…loved them in the nineties. Didn’t know they’d been going so long though. You could always flog some cd’s on ebay!

You didn’t feel in the mood for James but you enjoyed it… go to the quiz and WIN! So pleased that things are looking good on the horizon 🙂

you got to see James?! I am SO JEALOUS!!