Just a touch

‘Woman man or modern monkey, just another happy junkie’ Placebo – Nancy boy

Wow. That’s pretty much all I can say. Wow. If you haven’t seen Lord of the Rings, then go, now. Don’t even bother reading the rest of this, don’t care if you haven’t finished the book yet, or even started it for that matter, just go. It was absolutely fantastic and I loved not knowing what was coming next, it made everything just jaw-dropping. I’m considering not reading any of the books until I have seen all the films now. Wow.

I ventured off into town yesterday for what was (apart from the film) a wasted trip. I have to go back again today as the temp agency’s system was down, but it looks promising and they were telling me about a regular data entry client they have just north of Newcastle. It would be a bus journey there and back every day, but it’s money coming in at the end of the day & bus journeys just mean I can catch up on the many, many books I have waiting to be read. I am back in again this morning to register and hopefully sort something out for next week.

But the centre of town was packed. People everywhere. And it was hideous. People pushing, grabbing, almost coming to blows over sale items. Aren’t the sales just an excuse for us to buy everything we asked for but didn’t get for Christmas? I guess I’m slightly cynical as this year I have no money to go sale shopping. Not that that seemed to stop anyone else in Newcastle, but still. I tried to go into Next, but that was hell on earth with people pushing and shoving past you to grab an item of clothing. Some of the people I saw pick up clothes that were really never going to fit them (but you knew they were saying to themselves…’once I’ve finished the diet I’ll fit into this’). Why kid yourself? It also seemed to be the ‘white trash’ people who were buying the most stuff. You know the kind of people I mean….. minimum of five thick gold chains round the neck, at least two sovereign rings, cigarette hanging out the corner of the mouth and at least 4 children under 8 running round playing merry hell – and that’s just the women! To think I have to go back in to it today!

I’m also off to the doctors today, which will probably necessitate a trip to my favourite place – casualty!! woo hoo!! What a way to end the year. My knee is still very painful from slipping over three weeks ago. I was trying to crouch down yesterday and it absolutely killed. The slightest touch on it makes me wince, and I’m quite sure that this can’t be right, so I’m off to get it checked. I know the doctor will tell me to go to A&E for an x-ray, but maybe if I’m really lucky he won’t. The last thing I need is to discover I’ve done some serious damage to it.

Until there is a next time…


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December 27, 2001

I like your diary colors, they are so… what’s the word??? Touching. ~No Names Mentioned~

Placebo, monkeys and Lord of the Rings.. what more can an entry have… Going to see it this weekend hopefully 🙂

December 28, 2001

Thanks for your note. This DM thing is so frustrating. Seems like the obvious fixes are being ignored. 1. enforce rules 2. charge small fee 3. restrict # of diaries per person 4. seek out better quality advertisers There is absolutely nothing in those popup ads that I or many others are interested in. If they would just LOOK at what is being written, they might value us a little more. :o)

yeah that note is funny christian church isn’t hypocritical lol.

Ouch for your knee – they are tricky things. Hope the doc doens’t have bad news. Glad you both had a good Xmas, have a very drunken New year! And I wasn’t planning on seeing Lord of the Rings, but you’ve made me change my mind – thanks! 🙂

December 30, 2001

I saw LOTR on Saturday and I have to say it was just brilliant. I felt just the right length, I didn’t have any of my images of characters spoilt and the whole atmosphere was spot on. Can’t wait for the next film… 🙂

heheh when the movie ended, i was like “THAT’S THE END?!”. I wanted to find out what happened next right then and there! 🙂