I’m no angel

‘she tries not to look like she cares’ Sleeper – What do I do now?

First day back was…. dull. I had minimal work to do as Pete was off & therefore not around to direct me, but it meant the day dragged slowly. I managed to get some personal stuff done & tried to look for a job discreetly, but didn’t manage to find anything. I managed to remember that I had to lunch at 12 and leave at 5, which is a start. It took over an hour to get home, which meant that I was tired and not overly happy by the time I got home, but Duncan managed to make it all better with a hug. Maybe today will be better, but I doubt it.

But trying to be all hard & not caring yesterday was tough. I’m not used to it. You could say I’m a bit of a walkover when it comes to people (or a lot of a walkover). I have no resolve basically. I’m still annoyed and angry with Sarah, but when she’s nice & chatty to me, I can’t help but be nice & chatty back. It’s not just a case of office politics either, I’m the same with friends. I don’t have the bottle to argue with people or discuss the problem, but equally I can’t be mad with them. It tends to wash over me like water off a duck’s back and I end up quashing the annoyance inside and being friendly with them again. I can’t say the word ‘no’ basically.

All of which means that I would rather make myself ill with stress, worry and anger than open my mouth and say something. I felt bad again yesterday afternoon, felt dizzy and nauseous again. I would have given anything to be able to leave there and then. I suppose if I was weaker then I would have done. But I’m stubborn and stronger than I thought and I stuck out the rest of the afternoon. Still no word from the other company, but it probably is a bit too early still.

Until there is a next time…


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Hm, I like avoiding arguments too if I can, I’m bad at arguing, I prefer to leave(!)

Wow.. I think I’ve missed some stuff, I didn’t know things were so bad at work. I hope that it either picks up or gets easier to deal with. Take care of yourself, love,

I was like that with one of my bosses – she was a complete bitch, but always so nice and smily to your face…lots of screaming behind closed doors!

I’m beginning to think that we should all give up this work business and go back to living in caves and beating small animals over the head for survival. It would be less stressful.

i’m horrible at arguments too; i usually end up crying which isn’t very constructive!