If you tolerate this, your children will be next

‘You can make my life worthwhile, and I can make you start to smile’ Mr Big – To be with you

You know, we were kicking ass in the pub quiz last night right up until round 5 – which was all about dogs. We kind of bombed on that one & blew our really good score. However, we can’t complain as in the picture round we got seriously stuck on one photo, so Niall wrote ‘my mate Dave’. Turns out it was David Cassidy & they gave us the point for it! lmao

We get so much junk mail shoved through our letterbox. A decent proportion is for the previous occupants, who apparently haven’t told anyone they’ve moved or changed phone numbers. We’ve had various calls from business and family as well as birthday cards arrive for various people. You’d think they’d tell their family where they’d moved to. Their family can’t be that bad surely? Anyway, that’s beside the point. The rest of what we get is standard junk mail. We ignore it (unless it’s takeaway menus) and let it pile up by the door, then every week we just chuck it out in one go. But last night we got something that so incensed me, that I’m gonna write to the people who wrote the leaflet and complain.

It was from some group with the nerve to call themselves the Family Campaign. It spewed forth absolute crap about homosexuality – including the often touted ‘homosexuals are paedophiles’ line and basically implied that gay people were going to corrupt, rape and infect my children. I’ve seen some crap in my time but I was fuming by the time I’d read half the leaflet. It even tried to tell me that 5 year old children in Scotland do ‘homosexual roleplaying’ in school. I think not. These are the sort of people who would probably, given half the chance, burn me at the stake for being a witch and probably think we should just nuke the middle east cos their different from us.

It seriously appalls me that in this day and age people can be so backward & narrow minded. I mean, someone telling me they are gay doesn’t make me think ‘oh, that sounds good, I’ll give it a go’. Jeez. Do these people think that we are so easily led & gullible. So, I’m off to put these people straight. I know, it’s remotely unlikely to make a difference, but it will make me feel a damn sight better. Enjoy the weekend.

Until there is a next time…


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November 16, 2001

I’ve not heard of this “Family Campaign” group, but that’s absolutely appalling. I can’t believe there are still people like that around, well actually I guess I can unfortunately 🙁 I just hope no one is stupid enough to believe their hate-mongering. I strongly believe everyone has the right to freedom of speech, but people like them really strain the limits…

November 16, 2001

Actually, any contact details? I feel like doing something too…

November 16, 2001

*sighs* hearing about leaflets like that make me so sad. I honestly hoped my son was growing up in a world where if he decided he was gay or a witch or even both then he could do so in peace without being slandered for his life style decision……maybe I am just an eternal optimist. Wanna pass on that address I will give them an ear bashing too *g* *hugs* have a great weekend

I tried to find a website, but the best thing I could locate was http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/third-position/article-03.html Funniest thing I’ve read in ages!

those kind of people make me sick…ugh. on a side note, i’m at scott’s house and he went to sleep and he looks utterly adorable curled up on his side (awww!) 🙂 yes i’m sad ;P

Thank you. I tried to make it clear that I’m NOT wiccan, but I don’t know if it worked as well as I thought it would. Good luck with your witchcraft!!!

That is unbelievable. Make sme angry too….the world will never bena better place till people stop spreading this dangerous poisonous diatribe.