How do you?

‘30,000 thoughts have replaced it, never in my time to return’ REM – Texarkana

I don’t understand some things about guys. What I don’t understand about Duncan is his absolute fascination with WWF wrestling. He records it every week & watches it faithfully. I usually end up watching it with him, but don’t really get it. I apologise to any fans, but seriously, it’s not real. I mean, these guys hardly ever touch each other, it’s all stage school taught fighting, and yet it attracts viewers like a magnet. Yesterday we watched the Survivor series to see who would continue, WWF or the Alliance. I’m ashamed to say that I found myself caring by the end of it. I didn’t get it at all, but I just knew I really didn’t want the alliance to win. I still don’t understand it though, but I know that week in and week out we will still have to tape the show & watch it later.

We also watched American History X, which I’d never seen before. I found it really fascinating and thoroughly enjoyed it. I did however, think that the younger brother seemed a bit too easily convinced to change his ways. It was like they spent so long on the build up to it that they ran out of budget and had to wrap it all up quite quickly, so they made him change just like that *snaps fingers*

Christina’s in Newcastle tonight, a visit before she heads off to do some work in Italy for a few months. We’re going out for drinks with her tonight, and possibly dinner as well, depending on money. To be honest it couldn’t come at a worse time. I am so utterly tired that I could do with an extremely early night tonight, but at least I have tomorrow & Thursday off work. We get our Christmas tree delivered tomorrow as well, from Argos, which I’m quite excited about. In less than two weeks we can put it up and decorate it. There are, however, no presents to put round it yet though.

Until there is a next time…


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November 20, 2001

I’ve never understood WWF, I have to suffer it whenever I visit particular friends. At least it’s obviously fake now… I tend to think of it as a combination of soap opera and ballet 😉 Give me motor racing and extreme snow sports any day 🙂

Hi darlin, WWF is a parody of itself and we seem to like that sometimes (it’s simple and so are we.) 😉 I don’t watch it, or any sport, or much TV since it has always seemed a thought pollutant (though no moreso than now.) Have a great day and fun tonight sweetie. Love,

It’s not just guys that are obsessed with it – Tara’s more addicted to it than Scott is! But then again, she’s a ‘chick’ so that explains it. I will also never watch American History X again. I saw it once and at the end burst into hysterics and cried for about 20 minutes. I don’t like bad endings. Especially not this once, since I was just starting to like the kid. Grrrr. Bad.

Spent nine (long) years with a WWF fan, and the kids love it too…have to admit *eek* that I quite enjoy it in a totally mindnumbing, bad taste kind of way. But then again, havent seen any since I moved, and I havent missed it. Putting up your Xmas tree in two weeks? Ouch, I really must get moving!

November 20, 2001

nope I don’t get the facination with WWF either…..I am at a loss. To me it is up there with golf…..who would ppl want to walk all that distance to hit a little ball with a huge stick????? I know – I am very weird *g* *hugs*

I don’t get the fascination with WWF either – I chalk it down as an 8th ‘wonder of the world’! – hope you enjoy your evening and don’t feel too tired. Hope your novel is coming along well – if you want it proof read, you just have to ask!! Take Care,

Wrestling to me is Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and other ITV Saturday afternon bouts in the 70s and 80s… but then you’re probably too young to remember them 🙂

aw your first x-mas tree together!! have fun decorating!

wrestling is quite an um…phenomenom. i remember watchinh hulk hogan and the ultimate warrior in junior high school. i was hooked for a good year. beware, for wrestling will put its’ hooks in you!!