hotel yorba

I’m an entirely too nice person. In fact, I’m so nice I’m verging on being a doormat. I’m sure you remember the Andrew debacle of a couple of years ago? You’d think I’d have learnt, right? Wrong, wrong and wrong again.

Our good friend Niall contacted me last monday by email to tell me his grandad had died and he was coming back to the UK and needed somewhere to stay. Now, last time he did this, it was only for a night and he spent the rest of the time at his Dad’s (also in Newcastle) so I figured it’d be the same deal. He said he was arriving on Tuesday so I said he could stay at ours. He actually turned up on Monday night, taking us totally by surprise and resulting in massively speedy tidy up. I felt a little annoyed by this but our friends aren’t known for organisational skills. That was last week. He’s been here a week now and will likely be here another 7 – 10 days. I can’t throw him out, he won’t go and stay with his dad (who, to be honest, sounds too much like my dad and therefore not someone I’d wish on anyone). His grandad’s funeral is tomorrow but he’s going to stay until at least after the weekend to catch another rugby match.

I’m beginning to feel claustrophobic. We don’t have a very big flat, it’s perfect for two people but too small for any more than that. I feel like he’s around all the time and me and Duncan have no privacy. We can’t even kiss or have a cuddle on the couch without him making some sarky cynical comment. He has cynical comments on every programme we watch on TV. I wish to god he came with a mute button so I could watch Hex or Dream Team without comments like, “She doesn’t look 18, she looks way older” and “Well, that’s hardly realistic is it?” I’m sick of hearing about how much better rugby is than football, about how overpaid prima donnas all footballers are (some are, I can’t deny that but it’s not endemic) I want to f*cking strangle him. With all the crap at work, I could really do with some peace and quiet on the home front but I just don’t have any. All because I’m far too nice.

Until there is a next time…


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October 31, 2004

Maybe you should start telling him that he is a guest in your home and if you and Duncan want to do the horizontal mamba on the kitchen table you bloody well will, so he should just be thankful it is a snuggle on the couch *eg* Speak your truth hon *hugs*

hmmmmm i’m thinking i’ll find a B&B when i come visit next year… 😉 heheh. seriously though, this guy seems like a grade A dink. bah. *HUG*

November 2, 2004

I hate these people who come along and take advantage of you and turn you into a prisoner in your own home.. and as for staying for a rugby match, that’s not really important is it?!