
‘when someone else is picking up the bill’ Barenaked Ladies – Alcohol

Sometimes, usually a monday evening after a dull day at work, when I’m flicking through the media Guardian thinking ‘I could do that, or that, or that’, sometimes I think that maybe leaving London was a mistake. It’s a phrase I never thought I’d be saying I can tell you. But when you sit up here, in Newcastle, devoid of any half decent media jobs, you start to wonder if maybe you gave it all up a bit too soon, that maybe you didn’t give London a chance. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly won’t be packing boxes and dashing back any time soon, if ever, but sometimes, on darker days, I wonder.

I found myself in London this week. After a quiet morning I left the office for the station and spent the next three and a bit hours on the GNER train to London. It was uneventful to say the least. From there, I caught the tube up to Seven Sisters and then the overground to Bush Hill Park (Enfield way for those that don’t know and may care). One of the first things that I remembered, and hated, was standing on the platform waiting for the tube. It arrived, people crowded round the doors and when they opened, that’s when it hit me. The wave of heat, sticky, dry, horrible heat from the train. I didn’t want to get in the carriage then, but somehow I did. I negotiated my way to Bush Hill Park and met Kerry and his boss Mark (who, for those that may listen to Virgin radio, is the cousin of Pete Mitchell, as in the Pete and Jeff show! Well, I was impressed). We went to the hotel, to discover that, of course, there had been a balls up and my room was not booked, although they had received the request. As a result of that and the fact that they were booked up, I was placed in a very nice suite, with a balcony and jacuzzi type bath. Ah, the luxuries of business travel with Accuread! I even got treated to a few drinks and dinner, thanks to Mark, or should I say, Accuread? It was all very impressive.

Thursday, the day of the actual meetings, was an eye-opener to say the least. I met my other team manager, Andy, who looked just like I thought he would and most of the guys I talk to daily. A couple looked how I expected, but the rest were way off my mental images. One or two I would never let in to my home (one seemed to have issues with soap, water, deodorant and a pair of scissors, but we’ll move swiftly along from that). I spent most of the day listening to the same stuff over and over again as Kerry moaned at the guys for not reaching targets. It was pretty standard stuff apparently, with a bit of extra venom thrown in for the sake of the new area manager (Mark). To round it off I was given a nice box of chocolates to say thanks for putting up with them all & doing a damn good job. I got home at 9ish last night and after takeaway went straight to bed.

Today was hectic, clearing up the minor problems of yesterday (one day I’m gone and the area starts to unravel slightly, what on earth will happen over the next three weeks?!) before dealing with my normal Friday jobs and tidying up and sorting out everything for someone else to deal with next week. It was mad, I didn’t stop, but when I came out I actually felt satisfied with the work I’d done. I even felt a little lost saying goodbye to the guys I speak to over the phone. It’ll be weird not working, but not at all missed.

Like I said before, the whole thing has snuck up in a way. Oh, I know, I’ve been counting down the weeks and days, but still it seemed so far away. Now I’ve finished work and all we have to do is pack and sort out money tomorrow and then we are off. Nope, even typing it doesn’t make it sink in. Hopefully stepping off the plane in Cape Town will.

I’m excited, nervous, terrified and happy all at once. Once I’ve gotten the flying out of the way (I detest flying) and meeting the family is over and done with I’m sure it will be fantastic. In fact I’m sure it’ll be the quickest three weeks of my life. Rest assured there will be photos and if I can find somewhere to host them I will be displaying them here for all to see. I will endeavour to write, or at least pop by whilst away, but no promises 🙂

Until there is a next time…


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Have a great time, and don’t forget the sunscreen!

Have a thoroughly groovy time!

pretty please send me a postcard? (you DID get the email I sent yesterday, right?) 🙂

May 3, 2002

Gosh, can’t believe that you’re going already. have a fantastic time!

May 3, 2002

Hope you have an absolutely amazing time.. can’t wait to read all about it 🙂 xxx

May 4, 2002

an upgrade to a jacuzzi suite? how come I never get that! have a great time in SA and if you get the chance to stop by an Internet cafe send us virtual postcard. and RYN: both parents did spectacularly poorly as expected, though both topped the poll of the losing Labour candidates in the multi-seat ward. But that is probably only because they are at the top of the alphabet!

May 5, 2002

You will have a fantastic time and Duncan’s family will love you! Bon voyage 🙂

May 6, 2002

Have a great time….!

Bon Voyage, Perfect Circle! I’m in work now thinking of you in the sun! Can’t wait to hear all about it 🙂 *hugs*

May 31, 2002

hey, aren’t you back yet? dying to hear how you got on!