Have you ever seen the rain?

‘Done, done and I’m on to the next one’ Foo Fighters – All my life

It’s true what they say isn’t it? That when life goes ok, there’s no major disaster and we plod along as normal, some of us, myself included, run out of things to say. It’s not that I’ve run out of things to say as such, it’s just that’s there only so many times you can bang on about the state of the world, and how much I detest my job, and how our flat is once more ours, without sounding like a demented, slightly boring person. That should explain my absence anyway. I’m not leaving, I just find myself struggling to come up something that will fill at least half the amount of characters they give you these days.

I’m off work today, afflicted with this cold thing that is going round at the moment. It’s not the flu, but it’s made me feel real crappy, so as I turned in on Saturday plus I have tomorrow and Wednesday off as holidays, I decided the best thing for me to do today was rest and feel much better for tomorrow. Tomorrow’s a big day for me, I have two, yes count ’em two, interviews. One is at the PPA (where I went for aptitude testing what seems like weeks ago) and the other is for a marketing/sales company. The PPA one is data entry, mind-numbing data entry, but apparently it’s flexi-time, no answering phones ever, casual dress, relaxed atmosphere, bonus-paying data entry. Which doesn’t sound too bad really. Two weeks ago I’d have been happy with that one, but not anymore. The second interview is to be the ‘marketing co-ordinator’ for a company called ‘bluebell research’. Sounds fancier than it is. They want an admin type person to run the office when they are out (only other employees appear to be three salespeople), answer queries and do a small amount of research. The benefits? 25 hours a week and more money than I get currently and would get, at least to start with, at the PPA. Can’t be bad eh? Plus plenty of opportunity of overtime should I want it in the future. Guess which job I’d rather do? So it’s fingers crossed, and ‘we’ll see’ time again.

Other than that, what have I done since last I wrote? Worked, slept, watched tv. Kerry (one of my managers) was up last week for three days, so we had the obligatory night out (which is why I’m suffering now – I’d spent all week fighting this cold to ruin it in one night out drinking) and long lunch on Friday. There have been a couple of changes at work, all with the managers down in London, but ultimately affecting us in the office as well. People are moving areas, Kerry included, and apparently a major sticking point for one or two managers was the issue of who would be working with them in Newcastle – from what I was told, they all wanted me – so it seems a shame to be thinking of upping and leaving them in a couple of weeks (hopefully), but as I always maintained, if they paid me more, then there wouldn’t be a problem. Helen and Peter (who I work with) are also planning on leaving in the next few weeks, which should leave them all in an interesting situation with Tom (the newest, and by far and away the stupidest member of the team).

Other than that, life continues onward as ever. Winter is rapidly approaching, having seemed to miss Autumn out completely somewhere along the way, but at least now our heater is fixed and there is warmth in the flat again.

Until there is a next time…


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October 14, 2002

Mmmm.. warmth 🙂

I love the title – that’s one of my favourite CCR songs 🙂 Glad to hear you’re doing well, though, apart from the cold/flu thingie. Tea is your friend!