Happy Christmas (War is over)

A brief entry before I head out into the gales currently lashing the north east coast to visit the post office and the chemists before I pick up Zoe.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and that Santa was good to you. Santa was very good to Zoe. We didn’t get a large amount for her but everyone else made up for that and she had a great day opening her presents, which lasted till bed time because I wouldn’t let her open more than a couple at a time. She got blocks, a toy phone, clic-clak track, jigsaw and loads of books from us, a couple of bath toys, instruments, jigsaws, money, the list goes on. And she’s getting more tomorrow when my mum comes over! We’re gonna need a new room to put it all in.

Me and Duncan exchanged our presents in the morning. I’d got him rather uninspiring dvds (princess bride, matrix trilogy, killing zoe and Venture Brothers season 2) and books (couple of Robert Aspirin, couple of Douglas Adams and the Princess Bride book) as well as a Heroes t-shirt and some chocs. He got me Lush goodies, chocolates, some gorgeous black leather gloves and a Bones book. I also got books from bookcrossers, so I was more than happy.

Christmas Day was quiet in our house, for two reasons. One, it was just the three of us and, two, I had tonsillitis so couldn’t say all that much. I came down with it on Saturday and couldn’t speak on Sunday so took Monday off work (that made me very popular!) and went to the doctors. He was much amused by my inability to communicate in anything other than hand gestures and even the woman in the chemist laughed at me when I asked for some painkillers. Mean cow. Anyway, I’m now on antibiotics and will be until after new year (although I feel fine now) and they taste beyond foul. Honestly, last Christmas with the stomach bug, tonsillitis this year, should I even bother next year?

A couple of days off now, Duncan’s been at work, Zoe at nursery for most of the day and I’ve finished writing my first essay and am most of the way through my presentation. Next up, book reviews, hopefully before my next tutorial, which is only a couple of weeks away.

I wish you all a happy, healthy, peaceful 2008.

Until there is a next time…


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you should have carried a notepad around with you 😉 glad you’re feeling better and that you had a good xmas!

December 28, 2007

So sorry you were ill. Glad you had an okay time despite the tonsils, and it sounds like Zoe had a great day!

Bit late for the Christmas one, but have a Roque-ing good new year.