Green Christmas

The Baltic is a fancy restaurant. I am not a fancy person, but then again, neither is anyone I work with apparently. We spent most of our meal out on friday poking things on plates with forks and asking what it was.*laughs* The food was nice enough although nowhere near enough to soak up the alcohol we were consuming. Why is it that fancy must mean smaller portions? And stacking things on plates, what’s that about? The restaurant was very nice though and I can imagine that during daylight the view across Newcastle is amazing. It has weird toilets though. You walk towards the door, which is glass and on the edge of the building so it looks like you’re about to walk off the edge of the building into nothing. But we had a good laugh, I laughed so much my jaw hurt by the end of the night and my voice was fading. We shared stories and gossip and I think a much better time was had by all than last year at St James’. Duncan had his work parties on Thursday and Friday. He rolled in at midnight on Thursday (“I won’t be too late home” pah!) amusingly drunk and had a terrible hangover on Friday morning so barely had anything on Friday night.

Michele also left on Friday, she is having her c-section on Tuesday and then becomes a full-time mum of 2. I’m gonna miss her. I’m sat all on my own now, very quietly working away with no-one to talk to. As much as I love what I do, I’m really beginning to detest the people I work with/near to. How is it possible that someone can have so much to f*cking well moan about? She’s only 22 and you’d think the whole world was against her the way she carries on.

I don’t feel at all Christmassy at the moment. We have advent calendars, an advent candle, the tree’s up, the presents are wrapped, the cards are sent and the turkey’s ordered. But it just doesn’t feel like Christmas. I’m not even excited about the time off work, really, just the thought of being able to sleep for a few days is enough without the rest of it. Maybe it’ll be different next week. We have Mary coming round for Christmas this year, she really didn’t want to spend the day with Kelly’s family. I think it makes her miss her own. I think she’s been a lot lonelier since she moved out of the flat and moved in with 3 other people. Weird when you think about it, she’s living with more people now but they’re all students and all have their own lives to lead and are rarely home. At least when she was living with Richard (and Tony before he moved in with Kelly) her social life involved the same people so she was never left home alone. She’s thinking about going away to uni next year, maybe Manchester or Leeds. I really hope she gets in somewhere this year, it’s the third year she’s applied to uni now.

I can’t see me writing again before Christmas, so have a very merry christmas/yule one and all.

Until there is a next time…


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I really wish I’d gone away to uni – but then I might have never found IRC, which in turn would mean I would have never found OD, which in turn means I wouldn’t know you 🙂 It all works out in the end. I find it hard to be christmassy too. I’m too stressed out at work to enjoy it.

December 19, 2004

Some of us aren’t made to go to fancy restaurants!