Going through the motions

‘Yeah, you bleed just to know you’re alive’ Goo Goo Dolls – Iris

Things come in threes right? As well as an interview tomorrow morning for production assistant/proof-reader/indexer job, I also have an interview on Thursday afternoon to be the project officer at Tyne & Wear museums (which involves a six month contract overseeing the re-designing and re-writing of their current website) and an interview on Tuesday afternoon at Newcastle Gateshead Initiative to be a corporate media executive (pr/media relations/news story writing dogsbody probably). Each time something new comes up, my jaw hits the floor. Granted with the first one I would have been mightly annoyed had an interview not been arranged as I am slightly over-qualified for it. But the other two, I couldn’t be more under-qualified if I tried, especially the Thursday one. For once someone in the universe clearly likes me. Maybe its good karma from having to put up with the house guest who won’t leave and whose girlfriend is moving to the UK in three weeks time. That should be interesting. Again, I went shopping this week and he paid nothing towards it. I think he thinks that if he buys us dinner in the pub that all will be ok, but it’s not, and if that’s unreasonable, then I no longer care.

In other news. Hmmmmm…. what else have I done this past week except complain about Andrew, work and sleep. Duncan still is getting nowhere with his assignment and the tutors who are supposed to be available all day are never around so he can’t even get any help. For the amount of money he is paying them, there should be someone there 24 hours a day as far as I’m concerned!

It’s Mary 21st next week and apparently there is a whole drinking extravaganza organised. I feel too old to drink myself stupid until 6am. I guess this is the difference between being 25 and 21, or am I just feeling my age at the moment for some inexplicable reason.

Seems our London trip may well be postponed for a month or so. Duncan is supposed to go into training at BT for a new section sometime soon (BT are unsurprisingly vague about this) and it will mean no holidays during that time. As they drag their feet it seems increasingly likely that September is out, plus he is going to have to go Dudley at some point once the assignment is finished so that they can go about organising some fancy new job for him. So the weekend of drunkeness and shopping may well have to be later this year, or maybe even early next year. Sorry!

That’s about it. I feel like all I do is come here and provide up-dates about my life and nothing more. But then, isn’t that what a diary kind of is. I shall still be renewing my subscription in the next week or so, but I really should make an effort, although it’s hard to get to our computer at the moment without killing yourself on some clothes/shoes/towels/books/random crap.

Until there is a next time…


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August 6, 2002

Wow! The museum job especially sounds really interesting, willbe crossing everything possible for you! And don’t apologise about the meetup – will be lovely to see you whenever it is.:)

August 6, 2002

Oooh.. agree with Sapphire, the museum one sounds good. *hugs*

with three interviews, surely you’ll be able to get one of the jobs! good luck! :o)

August 26, 2002

That’s fantastic news about the interviews! Will keep my fingers crossed for you. (well, perhaps that’s not entirely true. But I really hope one of them comes off, and preferably several!)