Freeze Tag

Well, Rosa tagged me so now I’ve had to sit here and think of six weird things about me. I like to think I’m a little weird at least but the fact that I really had to think about this probably just proves how crushingly normal I am.

1 – I can’t drink milk out of anything other than a proper glass. Not a mug, not a plastic cup, only a glass. Always have done and I have no idea why.

2 – I worry if I don’t have something to read. For example, when we went abroad to get married, I took 6 books. I was on my wedding and honeymoon for crying out loud, but I knew that if I only took one or two and then finished them whilst in the Seychelles, I’d be tense and on edge until I could get to a bookshop again and would then panic buy just to have something to read.

3 – I’ve never had a pet. Ever. I’ve cat sat this year but that’s the first time I’ve had responsibility for something else ever. It makes me wonder if I can actually cope with being a parent. I know it’s not totally the same, but still. It also means that I don’t ever get to do those "What’s your porn star name" where you take the name of your first pet, cos I never had one.

4 – I have a sick, twisted imagination. If Duncan goes out for the evening and is late home (as he usually is) I start to imagine what it would be like to have him not come home or if he’d been in an accident, how would I cope? I then get myself so worked up that I can’t sleep until he’s safe in the house.

5 – I actually like buying CDs. I realise in the mp3 era this makes me an utter freak but I’d so much rather have the cd in my hand and look at the artwork and whether there’s lyrics included or something more meaningful than have a file on a computer that could disappear at any moment if the computer crashes. If I got home tonight and discovered the computer had died, I’d be annoyed but I’d still have enough music to survive. I think Duncan would have heart failure to lose all his mp3s.

6 – I think my feet may explode. This really is a pregnancy related thing but my feet are so swollen right now that I think if it got even the tiniest bit warmer, they may actually swell up so much they’d explode and there’d be blood everywhere. I actually sit in work and imagine it happening. And I worry that they’ll never go down again.

Apparently, I’m supposed to tag 6 more people but I think most of my favourites have done it now. If you haven’t and want to, don’t let me stop you, but I don’t wanna make anyone do it. How nice am I?

In other news, I emailed Sky tv to complain yesterday. I don’t expect a reply but I felt much better getting it off my chest. Our sky guide for August arrived on Monday with the football listings for the first half of the season – which games are on tv and when. Last year, they only showed 4 Blackburn games in the first half which was very annoying but I let slide cos we’d not been stellar the season before. However, we came 6th last season, that’s Europe for crying out loud! And how many games are on Sky between August 19th and end of December? 4! I emailed and asked them what their criteria was for choosing games and asked if I would be correct in my assumption that for the second half of the season we would barely be off the tv to make up for such disparity. I was going to rant to them about how they’d ruined football but my brain was starting to melt and I couldn’t articulate it all that well, so I left it out. Maybe next time.

It’s still far too hot here in Newcastle. It’s ridiculous. I know it’s summer but it’s not supposed to be this hot. I just want a breeze. I accept I’m in the minority wanting it to be much, much cooler but heck, a breeze at 2am wouldn’t go amiss right now. It’s no fun at all waking up for pregnancy-related trip to bathroom and then being unable to sleep because it turns out that your bedroom is no longer a bedroom but a sauna. At least I now have a fan right next to my head at work after I complained the air conditioning has no effect in my corner of the office. I wonder if they’ll notice if I take the fan home with me?

Until there is a next time…


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never had a pet? well a baby will be just like one for awhile 😉

July 26, 2006

Ouch – I feel for your feet. I hope they go down soon.

July 26, 2006

Oh pregnancy and summer do not go hand in hand, I was in the early stages of my pregancy when it was summer but I remember taking 2 towels to bed, one to lay on and then a wet one over the top of me…was the only way I could get back to sleep after numerous night time wake up calls! I understand about the books. I panic if I have nother to read before bed. *hugs to all three*

July 27, 2006

Much as I’m enjoying the sun, I hope it cools down for you soon…

July 31, 2006

I have to agree with number 2. I usually have to carry two books around with me – a spare in case I finish the first one or I’m starting the first one and it’s so bad I don’t carry on with it. The idea of travelling without book is an anathema to me!

ryn:yeah, that’s where i usually start crying, too 😉