
‘the beauty of a dream is, you don’t let it go’ Thomas Dolby – The beauty of a dream

My first week at the new job has been… great. I love it! I mean, on the surface, how could I not? I sit and watch tv all day and I get to wear jeans and trainers so I’m even comfortable whilst watching tv. Scratch a little deeper and I still love it. After a couple of hours training on Tuesday morning, I was handed my first programme and told to get on with it. Nothing amazing was expected, it’s just that the only way to learn how to use the software is to use it. This works for me cos I’d much rather have a go and figure it out in my own time than watch someone else for days on end. It took me from Tuesday pm until Friday lunchtime to complete the 45 minute show (which included a whole morning checking and double-checking everything I’d done) and in 8-10 months time I will be expected to complete one of these in a day. It was daunting, but I think I picked it up quite easily. Of course the real test is tomorrow morning when my trainer goes through the programme to make sure it is all spot-on. They gave me an old favourite to start with; American Gothic. I watched this series when it was first on channel 4 and it’s now on Sky 1 every Thursday night (Thursday June 26th, 10pm for those with digital capabilities, set the subtitles on and see my work!!). I loved the show all those years ago, but have to admit endless watching and re-watching of shots, looking for shots changes and trying to figure out some of the words, definitely took the shine off the programme. I think, however, that this is going to be a job I really enjoy and there are so many possibilities. New laws later this year will make subtitles compulsary on all channels (currently only on normal, terrestrial channels are the compulsary) which will expand the number of contracts we can bid for. London wants to move some of the DVD film work to Newcastle plus they want to do some web work for the local museums (dependent on NewcastleGateshead winning the City of Culture bid though). It certainly keeps my options open if the exam/uni thing doesn’t come through.

In other news, can you keep a secret? Well, it’s not a secret as such but after finishing here I shall be off to search the net for prices for trips to the Seychelles and anyone paying attention knows what that means! (those not paying attention, it’s where we’ve decided we’re eloping to). Not that it’s happening anytime soon, but we want to know how much we should be looking to save to give us some kind of plan. It’s weird (in a way) to be talking about it. I mean, we’re not even engaged, but it’s nice to be able to talk about it without Duncan freaking out in any way. Fingers crossed I’ll be able to find something that looks affordable – or will be affordable in a couple of years time!

Until there is a next time…


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okay, so what exactly IS your new job?! It’s awesome that you love it though 🙂 Even though I have no clue what you do.

June 2, 2003

The job sounds great … can I work there too, please!!! And congrats on the Sechelles decision:0) Any chance me and U can come along and make it a double do??

June 2, 2003

So getting married on the beach at Whitley Bay’s not as good then; V. pleased that the job’s started well 🙂

June 2, 2003

Now this entry I like. Best of luck for the new job and the eloping thing.

June 7, 2003

How did you find out about that job? It’s something I’ve always wondered about doing but I never see any adverts for anything like that. Was it just advertised in a regular paper?

September 25, 2003

mmm ok uderstand a bit more about the job now (gotta love reading diaries backwards LOL) sounds fantastic!!!

September 25, 2003

ok also just looked at Seychelles and wow – looks fantastic…and cheap to get there from the UK – not so good from downunder though