Don’t damn me

‘We’re stopping and stalling’ Sum 41 – In too deep

The week hasn’t improved at all, workwise. I’m still sat there doing barely anything at all. It would be fine if I had something to occupy my mind, but I don’t. I just sit there, either gazing blankly at the pc or attempting to become ‘part of the group’. I really hate this job. From next week I shall be training properly (well kind of) and will hopefully have a little bit more to do, but I’m not holding my breath on this or anything. The sooner I get a permanent job the better. You know, some of them have been there for five years. I’m so terrified of getting comfy and not being arsed to look for another job. Duncan keeps telling me that I won’t get like that, but if I’m still there in 6 months, then who knows.

The highlight of this week was undoubtedly Thursday. I spent the week worrying that my redundancy money just wouldn’t turn up. I was so stressed that because I’d skived off the last day, that I just wouldn’t get the money. Irrational I know, but you know me. I came home on Thursday, jumped online to check my balance, but of course they only gave my balance up to Wednesday night. So then I had to find a cash machine on the way to the pub. And there it was, in white numbers on a blue screen: Balance: £3,504.81. I was so happy, so relieved. so Yeah!!!! I have money. Well, kind of. This morning I went to town and arranged to have £2,000 transferred into a savings account. I spent £75 in one shot (some fancy new underwear and a printer cartridge – yes, surprisingly that all came to £75) and still have to get Duncan’s present (hopefully they will be getting some more in at Boots soon). After that, it’s bills only, helped by my wages from deathly dull temping job. I intend to have some fun on my birthday (have been thinking I will have to get hideously drunk to avoid the usual birthday depression) but that’s it. To top off our Thursday night we went to the pub quiz, and despite doing appallingly in the actual quiz, won a spot prize of beer, so we were more than happy with that. We have also just ordered our Sum 41 tickets (partly thanks to ::blueberry marcus) and I am very much looking forward to the gig. Helen sent me the cd for christmas, so I’m currently in a bouncy, Sum41 kind of mood.

So after all that, I log on to see OD+ finally takes cheques (I guess this is cos after over a month online, they only managed 800odd people signing up) and I’ll admit, I’m umming and aahing about it. I’m terrified of losing this place and all my entries and would like some security. I don’t know.

Until there is a next time…


Log in to write a note

I have to say that it would be nice to see some familiar names on OD+! My favourites list is very short over there 🙁 Spot prize of beer? I like the sound of that (esp as it’s Saturday night and I’m not drinking this month!!)

Why does he call himself blueberry marcus? Oh well. I’m back!!! And I will try very hard to be a regular agian. Yay!! Hope your week get’s better ~

I’d not heard of them at all until you emailed me and then they appeared on TOTP this week…

Od plus… I’ve been hmmming as well. OD plus. OD plus. I feel like I’d be selling out if I went there, though. (don’t know why) and also I’d have to come back to OD, to check up on my favourites who were ‘left behind’, and I hardly have enough time for 1 diary site at the moment let alone two!!

Ooh! Money! Hope you’re doing okay, Perfy – Vicky (LLPJ as was)

noooooo don’t leave this place!! *sob* did you know sum 41 are from Ajax, which is only an hour or so away from where I live? 🙂