Devil in your shoes

‘If I walk down this hallway tonight, it’s too quiet’ Kristin Hersch – Your Ghost

I’m so sick of feeling bad. I’m still not back at work, which is largely due to the fact that currently my damn car sits in a garage need £200+ worth of work on it to get it to pass the MOT. I should have known that there would be a lot more to it than a blown indicator bulb. Turns out the wiring on my back lights is completely screwed up, a headlight needs aligning, the emissions are too high and the handbrake is pretty much shot through. It’ll hopefully be ready tomorrow at a price I can’t afford, meaning that once again I have to borrow money from Duncan. He must feel like my emergency cash machine at times, and I hate it.

So work has kind of gone out the window. Not that I’m in any fit state to go anyway after a rough night last night & a continually pounding in my head that convinces me that any second now my head will either explode and force pieces of my brain all over the wall or will implode on itself in some equally messy way. Either way, it isn’t good.

But we won…. I mean 5-bloody-1 we won. We actually beat the Germans. Or should I say kicked their butts? I don’t know, I mean it’s not like we are guaranteed a world cup place now, but it’s looking pretty damn good. We’ll probably stuff it up royally on Wednesday evening if I know the England team 🙂

I’ve spent most of my time off on the pc. Probably not the best thing given the state of my head but still. I’ve had to come up with a way to reduce the time it takes me to do these damn astrological charts… from about 8 hours to hopefully about 3. At least then any money I earn from it will feel like I’ve earned it & not done slave labour for it. I spent yesterday evening trying to figure out how to get some advertising done that won’t cost the earth. My ideas of e-bay, e-witch (same principle as e-bay, but pagan) and the yahoo auctions all stumbled at the first hurdled… a credit card. Seems you are nothing online these days with a debit card (and not even a switch card at that I’ll have you know!), but instead need a credit card for just about anything, except maybe Amazon, which is probably the worst site to accept my card as it just means I shop there way too frequently. Ideas, suggestions, donations & requests for charts are all gratefully received. And given all my time on the pc & checking icq every 45-60 minutes it could be seen as something along the lines of damn right mysterious that I have yet to bump into one of you lot online in the last 2 weeks. Is there some new place that I am not at? I wonder…. 🙂

Until there is a next time…


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September 3, 2001

Lloyds do a debit card that also has the Visa sign on it so it can be used as a credit card, but acts exactly the same way as debit. 🙂

Everyone’s on holiday. Or leaving. *sulk* Did we win a football match, then?

Are you sure? I’m a mouse potato and never see you around. Would happily give donation to the car fund for a chart 🙂

We stuffed ’em…butt-kicking only applies when American are involved somewhere

Would love a chart!! Maybe we can get you some business? Cars are a major bugger, aren’t they? One thing after another. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

and everytime i’m around, you’re not! It’s a conspiracy, I tell you!!

there should be some on E-Bay that will accept cash or check. I know I do when I sell stuff. Other option is trade cash with a friend to use their credit card.

September 4, 2001

Just had a thought about ur charts – don’t know if ur interested, but u could advertise in our pagan alliance mag here in Oz…not sure how u would go about the cash thing for payment? Advertising is $20 for 4 editions and each edition is out for 3 months. Can’t belive uu were online so much and I only saw you once*sighs* damn time differences!!!