
‘Take the wine from the swine and remind him of his crimes’ Wonderstuff – Welcome to the cheap seats

Andrew (who is Phil’s brother, not Duncan’s and, therefore nothing but an annoying, bludging acquaintance of us both) is still here. Last night he came to Asda with us, watched as we bought food for the three of us for the week and watched as we paid for it. Between the two of us. He reckons he is running out of money (yet can still buy smokes and pints in the pub last night) and that Kellys are dragging their feet about getting him a job. He says he told them he’d do anything and yet all he is still doing is sitting on our couch, eating our food and watching the Commonwealth Games. Grrrr

Me and Duncan went back to my mum’s this weekend, and a welcome break it was too. We arrived early Friday evening (in a shocking ‘trains run on time’ episode!) and were treated to dinner at the Chinese, where the family that runs it thought I was my mum’s sister. Not sure about that one at all. Is it a compliment for my mum or an insult to me? We’ll leave it as a compliment for someone, how about that?

On Saturday we went into Dumfries with Jenni and Heather and wandered round the, few, shops. There was a continental market on, selling all sorts of yummy foreign (mainly French) food, but unfortunately one of my favourite second hand book shops had closed the day before. Typical, but probably a good thing the way my savings are disappearing at the moment. We looked after the girls on Saturday night so my mum and David could enjoy a night out and on Sunday we lounged around the house until it was time to go home. But why not out enjoying the gorgeous British summer I hear you ask? Well, cos we picked the only place in the UK where it rained last weekend, so whilst Mary text messaged about having a bbq when we returned, we watched the rain falling. Despite the wet, it was still unbearably sticky and warm and I shall be glad of the promised thunderstorms to ease the heat soon.

Work has become mind-numbingly dull. My challenge of today was to keep my eys open for the full 8 hours I was in the office. We went out last night, and although I had no more than a pint, I was absolutely worn out today. An early night is definitely what I need. These 6am alarm calls are taking it out of me.

We think we have finalised our plans for London. We can’t come down over the Bank holiday, so have made provisional arrangements for two weeks later – September 6th to 9th. Any and everyone is welcome to attend what will, no doubt, be a drinking session on the saturday night.

Until there is a next time…


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July 30, 2002

Compliment to your mum, certainly, whether they meant it or not!

you should have said something to him when you were at the checkouts! gah! hopefully he goes away soon.

I expect I’ll be there! (Try and persuade me otherwise). Oh, and one drink is the killer. Never have just one drink – I stick to either two or none at all. I always fall asleep after one.

July 30, 2002

You’ve got to say something to him! Can’t believe the way he is behaving, but maybe he doesn’t realise what a pain he is being … men can be amazingly insensitive at times. Will be there for a drink so long as it works out with the kids…could always take them to my mum’s and meet in the evening. Come hell or high water …! (Haven’t resubscribed yet, but no doubt I will!)

July 30, 2002

Compliment for your Mum. Definitely!