
‘Isn’t it ironic… don’t you think’ Alanis Morissette – Ironic

The irony is that after this week off where I’ve felt pretty much ok, I now have a sore throat & pain every time I swallow…. someone, somewhere is having a laugh I’m sure.

I’ve felt so much more contented since I’ve been off work. I don’t think I’m cut out for work life. Not having to deal with the stress of going into the office & dealing with the moronic people who are my bosses, has reduced my stress level to zero factor. Now the only thing that worries me is…. well, nothing actually. I feel relaxed and good. Don’t make me go back to work!!!!

Not that I’ve sat around and done nothing every day, as seems to be some people’s opinions. I’ve worked hard every day this week, getting up at 6:30 when Duncan does and starting work as soon as he leaves. I am now in a position whereby if I am suddenly inundated with chart requests, I can get them done & out to people within a week. All I need now is to be inundated I guess.

Found out last night that I didn’t get on the first couple of ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ shows. I’ve been calling every day since I found out the lines were open, but when I called last night the recorded, highly excitable voice of Chris Tarrant informed me that the first three shows were now full. Damn. Will have to try again next week. I’m quite determined to get on, as I am frequently screaming answers at the tv when the show is on. Of course knowing me, if I actually got on, I’d go to pieces & leave with nothing after using all my lifelines on the first question & still getting it wrong. That would be some kind of stupid.

Tried to watch ‘The Mummy’ last night whilst drawing up a chart, but discovered that, whilst the special effects were pretty good, the film couldn’t capture my interest. Watched the England match on Wednesday, and strangely felt the same way. The game just seemed to go for hours & we just seemed to miss shot after shot. When we scored the second goal, the only thing I felt was relief that, with only a few minutes to go, at least the Albanians would struggle to get a draw. I knew the excitement of Saturday was never going to be repeated, but it just felt so flat after that.

Until there is a next time…


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GO BACK TO BED GODDAMNITT!!!! You can sleep in but don’t! What’s with that????? I’m so tired…… I keep seeing pink elephants….Oh no wait, that’s just Andy…….. lalalala……… *slaps himself in the face* GET A GRIP! ……mmmm, I need a doctor of the not physical kind.. I’m off to lala land now.. cya later.. Neo (or someone like neo, except a little fuzzy around the edges)

oooooooo… i hope you get on! you MUST tell us if you get on. 🙂

yeah, hurry up and get on the show so you can come visit!! 😉

I didn’t even know there was a new series of Millionaire coming up…have to get back on the phone sometime, then…

You thought the special efects on the England game were good?!

I haven’t been to work since last Wednesday – I’m never going back. They’ll have to drag my cold dead body in to the office. Well until tomorrow morning anyway, when I look at my bank balance. And the mummy rates as one of the worst films of all time, except for the mummy II. end of rant.