Circle of friends

‘The grass is always greener on the other side’ Travis – Side

Well I hope you all had a relaxing and happy holiday. I know I did. After getting my hair done on saturday and braving the nearby supermarket I came home with the intention of relaxing and doing very little. On Sunday night Neo and Mary came over and we exchanged presents before going to the pub and meeting Lee. It was a really great night, lots of alcohol and drunken conversation. It was almost a throwback to this time last year when our group was bigger and we were all still single. It’s quite impressive to see how far we’ve come since then really. I hope those kind of nights continue into next year. On Christmas eve we went and bought alcohol (and queued for a ridiculous amount of time) before coming home and refusing to move for a good while. Mary came over on Christmas Day & we cooked dinner (& I didn’t poison anyone, and it all went swimmingly!), had a few drinks and watched videos for the day. Yesterday me & Duncan did hardly anything, both still feeling the need to relax and digest the enormous amount of leftovers we had!

Duncan loved his presents, and I loved mine as well. As well as the ring he bought me the Travis cd, the new REM book & the new(ish) Bill Bryson book, chocolates from Thorntons (yum) and the Billy Connolly video. I also got some tarot cards and a couple of books on them from my mum, a crystal pendant and some gorgeous celtic pentagram earrings that match my necklace. Alongside that I got sweeties, money and an REM video from other people. I think I did ok!!! hehehe… and it’s now less than four weeks until my birthday!

Today I am off into town to try and get some temp work sorted for next week. I’m meeting Mary for lunch and then meeting Duncan for a bit of sale shopping before going to see Lord of the Rings. I can’t wait to see this movie. I still haven’t read the books (which is surprising considering the amount of books I go through each month) but am not too bothered about that, it means I will be able to enjoy the film without thinking ‘oh, they missed that out’ or ‘well, that’s not how I pictured it’.

The holiday season tends to bring round talk of love. Well it did in our little sunday night drinking session anyway. Neo and Mary both wanted to know when we would be getting engaged. I told them that there was no rush, it’s something we’ve kind of talked about and we know it will happen eventually. Unknown to me (at the time) Duncan told them that he wouldn’t propose until he finished his course and got a really good job to support us both 🙂 I feel all romantic and soppy now!!!

I have more to say, but I must go shower & call our internet people (who are utter morons) before they suspend our account due to a mistake they made.

Until there is a next time…


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December 26, 2001

Sounds like you had a great Christmas 🙂

Now *that* sounds like how Christmas should be *smiles*

Sounds wonderful:) I’m glad you had a good few days. Good luck with the temp work.

lord of the rings is FANTASTIC 🙂 I didn’t think I’d like it at all and I ended up loving it! Glad your Christmas went so well (mine did too, actually) 🙂