Catch a falling star

All is going well in the PC house at the moment. Duncan’s away overnight tonight, which sucks but does mean that I can slob around all evening eating rubbish and watching bad TV or just reading and not worrying that I’m ignoring him and need to be making conversation. I don’t get many of these evenings so I shall definitely be making the most of it.

Duncan officially became a British citizen yesterday. We had to attend a ceremony at Wallsend Town Hall, where he affirm something, pledged something else (I think it was all to do with being a good, tolerant citizen and obeying the Queen, I’m not sure, I couldn’t hear all that well over Zoe’s chuntering, which turned into screaming later) and then we all sang the National Anthem. Duncan later complained we have no real intro to the anthem, which is true as the entire room stood there and only started singing on the second line because of the one lone voice singing the first line. Very amusing. To celebrate his new Britishness, we’re having a bbq on Saturday afternoon (so expect rain, obviously) and my mum, David and 2 of my sisters are coming over. Family fun and cooing over Zoe and her 6 teeth all round then.

Zoe is growing. She loves standing up, but can’t quite manage it herself yet so we have to hold her under her arms (or occasionally prop her against the sofa) and we have to stay like this until she decides to sit down, which can be quite a while. Consequently, my house is a tip as I can’t get anything done any more. Zoe throwing her toys around doesn’t help. She is a cheeky monkey but has now started sleeping through most nights, which is pure bliss. I’d almost forgotten how much I liked sleeping. Now if only I could get her to have a lie in at the weekend, we’d be sorted.

I called my dad. And ended up banging my head against the wall afterwards. He asked how I was, big long pause and then I told him Zoe was also fine. I’m so angry he didn’t ask. I don’t expect everyone to be asking after her by any stretch, but her own grandfather could at least pretend to give a rat’s ass. I think we’ll have the ‘pleasure’ of his company sometime in August and possibly also at her UK birthday party (how pretentious does that sound?)

I also got accepted onto the post natal course and am just waiting for the paperwork to be completed before I get my course guide and book buying account. Yes, a book buying account for me, seems like heaven. Until you realise it’s with the NCT for parenting type books. Still, it’s something. Hopefully it’ll come through soon as I’d like to get a read of the course at least before the next tutorial at the beginning of July. Between now and then we have the Uncon in Brighton and I am still quite stressed about the entire thing. I just don’t feel like anything’s going to be done in time. I’m sure it will, but I don’t think I’ll feel truly relaxed until about 5pm on June 30th.

Until there is a next time…


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June 7, 2007

Don’t stress – it will all work and if it doesn’t who cares, you know BookCrossers, get a few togethe and they make their own entertainment!! it has been a bit weird having so few people involved though …. Congrats on being accepted on the course, hopefully that’ll be your escape route from work!!

June 7, 2007

Sounds like things are pretty good. Which is fantastic!

UK birthday party? *confuzzled*