Break me, shake me

‘And I’m telling you no, no for the thirteenth time’ The Wonderstuff – No for the thirteenth time.

I fancied a change of background. The previous one was really starting to irritate me for some reason.

I have the house to myself today, well until just after 6 tonight anyway. Yes, it is that ‘every other saturday’ again, where Duncan has to traipse off to the centre of all evil (BT) and deal with annoying elderly old ladies who have no clue what they are actually doing with call minder as they never use it. Which leaves me in an empty flat feeling decidedly bored.

But having said that I’d quite like it to remain the weekend forever if that’s possible? Please? Because then at least I wouldn’t have to deal with next week.

Sometime next week, maybe Monday, but more likely as late as possible in the week, head office will release a new company structure. It will cover the re-integration of the site and will essentially list all the roles that will be required by the company. So we all get to play ‘let’s see if mine is there’ to try & guess our future. I’d rather be told straight out (as they will probably re-name the positions, creating confusion, etc, which our company seems to thrive on) but if we want that it means we have to leave straight away, as opposed to waiting until December and still getting money from them every month. It looks likely that should it be clear that I am out of there, I will be granted what they term ‘gardening leave’ and will not have to haul my ass out of bed every morning and drive to Middlesbrough. Which would be fantastic. We can only hope.

I have my interview in Newcastle on Tuesday and am slightly reluctant to go ahead with it. This is borne out of the fact that it turns out that TMD are a bunch of tossers and I don’t know if I really want to be working for them any more – they are doing their best to get out of paying us our redundancy money and have come with complicated sounding, elaborate schemes that don’t sound promising. But I also have reservations after reading the job advert which asked for senior reporters to apply. Now I am certainly not senior, never mind a reporter, and after reading a HR document I have a sneaking suspicion that I am being interviewed because they have to be seen to try & place us within the company (and hence not give us the redundancy pay we should be entitled to). I have my reservations, but we shall see.

So I’ve sat here all day and got on with various things, including some witchy stuff, which I don’t really get chance to do when Duncan is around. But I also had the germ of an idea for another story thanks to a note from LLPJ and I have been working on that on and off. Should it progress I may well post it, or I may just do what I did with the last one, which is write one and a half chapters then get really busy and forget about it for a while. Maybe I should change my name from Perfect Circle to Procastinator – although someone’s probably swiped that one already!

Until there is a next time…


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You could always look on it as interview practice. Hope next week isnt too horrific. *hugs*

October 13, 2001

I will be glad to know you better so I can tell what I am reading about. Procrastination, isn’t that another way to say busy or slowing down enough to enjoy life?

Writing = good, BT = bad ::procrastinator marcus

yeah well i was really enjoying that first story and then you just stopped so 😛

It must be almost lunchtime for you sweetie. 🙂 Have a beautiful day. Love,

October 15, 2001

I had a customer on the line today who spent at least 5 minutes telling me, in his opinion, what BT actually stood for. And not many of his ideas were printable 🙂 Hope you have a good week..