Boys, boys, boys

Oh, there is a reason for cheesy song title. It’s to help me remember that when this song was played in the Lounge on Friday night (my hen night that wasn’t a hen night) Graeme went absolutely bloody mental and started dancing even more crazily than previously.

Yes, Friday was my hen night that wasn’t a hen night. It was, for all intents and purposes, a hen night but we weren’t allowed to call it that because Graeme was there and he didn’t want to be the only guy (albeit a gay guy, but still) on a hen night. We had a fab night, starting in Tiger Tiger for food and happy hour cocktails before meandering down to The Lounge where they had 80s music all night. We pretty much danced for three hours straight. It was loads of fun. We took some pics to and when I get them, I’ll upload a couple so you can see them (assuming they are OK, we were, after all, utterly smashed) The only downside to the whole night was Melissa’s absence. Her father was taken to hospital last Sunday and was in intensive care for at least the first half of the week. She had other things to think about then getting drunk with me.

So that was it, my last hurrah. My last night of freedom before the wedding. Doesn’t really work that way though, does it? I mean, we moved in together almost four years ago now. Shouldn’t my last night of freedom have been sometime then? Or is it the symbolism that counts more these days? Duncan had his stag night on Saturday, a lot of alcohol and food with the guys. No strip clubs apparently. I said I didn’t mind if he did go to a strip club but I don’t think any of the others were really up for it. We both spent the weekend recovering so it’s a good job that everything for the trip is virtually sorted, or can be sorted in the next week.

I feel a little weird thinking that I’m getting married next week. I think it’s a ‘what a grown up thing I’m doing’ nervousness than a ‘what am I doing?’ freak out. Actually, scrap that, it is a ‘grown up thing’ thing that’s causing the weird dreams and lack of sleep. I can’t wait to go away and get married but I’m not sure I’m grown up enough to be doing something like this. Considering two weeks ago I was out getting plastered with workmates on an impromptu night out (leaving Duncan to get his own dinner – I was supposed to be bringing chips home but he said, and I quote, “I’ll just have a sandwich.” How can I not marry someone who doesn’t mind that the money for his dinner has just gone on a round for friends?) I think I may possibly be regressing in maturity – not that there’s much to regress from but still. I do want to marry him, I do love him so much. I’m just not convinced I’m grown up enough for any of this. In fact, I’m concerned that someone might stop the wedding with a cry of “Fraud! She’s too immature to take such a big step!” But this is all normal, right?

I had an interview last Monday for the Team Leader position. I had to go to London for it, which was a major hassle but it seemed to go ago. They are interviewing the rest of the candidates while I’m away so hopefully when I return in three weeks, I’ll have a new promotion and more money. In my appraisal two days after, my boss (and the person who interviewed me) said I did very well so fingers crossed. I know I can do this job and do it well.

So that’s it, I’m off. I’ll try for an entry before we fly but, to be honest, I can’t guarantee it. Entries here have been sporadic at best. Next week (Aaaaargh) I’ll be in South Africa then the Seychelles then married. I’ve waited two years for this and I can’t quite believe it’s finally here. (in a good way of course)

Until there is a next time…


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April 25, 2005

I am so excited for you both. If you don’t get an entry in before then I KNOW it will all be fantabulous and everything you dreamed about. Paul and I are thinking of you both and sending our love and best wishes!

April 25, 2005

you’ve got mail!

April 25, 2005

Have a safe journey and a fantastic time, oh, and congratulations – I’ll be thinking of you on the 6th (and seeing you shortly afterwards!) xxx

was it really four years ago?? it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long!! i can’t wait to see you again and to meet duncan 😀

April 26, 2005

Wow, can’t believe it’s so soon now!!!! If you don’t write before, hope you have a fantastic day – and see you on the 21st!

May 8, 2005

You must be married by now – congratulations! Hope all went well and looking forward to hearing all about it.