Bittersweet symphony

‘I’d be fired if that were my job’ They Might be Giants – Birdhouse in your soul

Well, decision time has been and gone. The sick feeling I had in my stomach all the way here has disappated slightly. Not much though. Cos this isn’t over. Not by a long shot.

I do not have straight forward redundancy. To be honest I doubt anyone has. I have a feeling that those whose roles are going are getting the same talk as me. They have created some new roles, more than 30% different from my current role. I am now in a pool of selected people who will all have to fill in some form and let management decide. Not great.

But I do still have options. After reading the description of the new job I can tell them that I don’t want to be considered. I’ll still have to do the damn profile, but when it comes to the second stage I’ll be allowed to take redundancy. Which is what I want. I’ve briefly read through the description and there is no way I’d be considered for this job if I was applying for it from outside. They want someone with journalistic experience, who’s spent three years working for a newspaper. If I applied for this job externally, they’d probably laugh at my cv. Which suits me fine quite frankly.

So now it’s into this damn selection pool. I have to fill the form in by Tuesday & then wait two more weeks. You can imagine how thrilled I am about this part. Two more weeks of hauling my ass to Middlesbrough. I’m practically giddy with excitement (not).

Add to the stress of all this the fact that the Government are a bunch of morons and are messing Duncan about over his damn loan for the damn computer course and you can imagine how tightly I’m wound at the moment. Excuse me whilst I scream.

Until there is a next time…


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Hang in there…these things are sent to try us and all that… you could of course be ill for the next two weeks thus negating the need to go to Middlesborough…and then tell them to ram their stinking job!!! *hugs*

Don’t suppose they’d consider sending you on the journalism course if you’re successful? Sorry it is dragging on – the worst part of anything is always the wait, they seem to be enjoying prolonging the agony. *hugs*

(covers ears)

*hugs* scream away, dearie 🙂 I wouldn’t blame you in the slightest.