As time goes by

‘When the madness stops then you will be alone’ Savage Garden – Break me, shake me

I’ve given up using the car. It really doesn’t sound all that healthy. So for the next few days I shall be getting the train into work. Hopefully they will announce this new structure soon, so I can either go on garden leave until Christmas or just take the money and run now. I haven’t decided which I’ll do yet. So it’s back to the crowded, delayed and inevitably cancelled trains. Which is what I got this morning. I trekked off to Central, sat on a train for 20 minutes before it was cancelled, got a refund and came home again. Trains to Middlesbrough are rare at the best of times. The next one would have landed me in Middlesbrough for around 11ish & seeing as how I finish at 1:30, it really didn’t seem worth it.

But I did have a really nice weekend, just relaxing with Duncan. It’s weird to think that a year ago I was single and wondering if I would ever meet that one special person and now here I am. Even after eight months together we are still sickeningly soppy towards each other. It really is enough to make you sick! But neither of us care, which is the main thing I guess.

It’s weird, but it’s taken me until the age of 24 to have that in a relationship. With Gary it seemed to go from holiday romance to drudgery in a very short space of time. We went from being miles apart to having a stifling routine almost instanteously. It made me think that that all-consuming, ‘must have you now’ kind of passion was made up, that Cosmo was purely exaggerating. It’s nice to know that in actual fact they were true.

Until there is a next time…


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And you and Duncan go so well together! Here’s to many more months and years of unbearable mushiness!!

Hi sweetie, 24 is really young to get it right…you should be proud of yourself. 🙂 Love,

Something in Cosmo was true?!? (Not that I read Cosmo you understand, he adds). So pleased for both of you 🙂

October 22, 2001

Hrmmm 30 and still looking for that kind of relationship LOL – but least i know if one of us has it then it does exist and I will keep trying *hugs* take care of you and good luck with the trains!

It’s been 8 months already?! wow 🙂 And of course cosmo was right…aren’t they always? 😛 heheh.

October 23, 2001

So nice 🙂 Like everybody else here, I’m really happy for you. And I hate trains. Hate hate hate hate hate them. I really need to learn to drive..