Another rock n’ roll Christmas

‘Wish I was at home for Christmas’ Jona Lewie – Stop the cavalry

Excuse me for a moment… *starts dancing round and chanting* Four nil, four nil, four nil, four nil, etc, etc. We went to the pub last night to watch the Worthington Cup quarter final, Arsenal (duncan’s team) vs Blackburn (my team of course). I must admit, I thought we’d lose. I certainly never expected us to whip Arsenal by four goals to nil. And despite the fact that Duncan spent all afternoon & early evening telling me how badly we were going to lose, I only gloated for a couple of minutes over the scoreline. Hehehehe

I’m off work now until Monday. I’m supposed to be using today to complete my interview piece and maybe do some writing. The piece on yesterday’s entry is still in my mind, and I think I will be working on extending it into something else. It’s no wonder I can’t finish anything, I keep coming up with new stuff. I think I have four ideas committed to paper (or screen) at the moment, and not the inclination to sit down and work at them all. It’s partly to do with the fact that the room we keep the computer in is normally sooo cold and partly because I am easily distracted. I discovered a jigsaw site on yesterday, so I can see I’ll be visiting that a lot as well as finding songs to download, playing games, reading random entries here, etc.

For some reason at the moment, one of the recurring conversations between me & Duncan is children’s names. Don’t be alarmed, it’s not like I am pregnant or that there is the slightest chance I could be, but for some reason it keeps coming up in conversation. For some godawful reason Duncan thinks Damien is an excellent name for his first son. Not on your life!

Do you know in six weeks I’ll be 25? Christmas is all well and good, but I know that on Dec 25th it is exactly 4 weeks to my birthday. Damn. Mind you, I have already decided what I want to do to celebrate (attempting to recapture my youth by going to a rock club the saturday before!). Wouldn’t think I was dreading the day at all would you?

Until there is a next time…


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Don’t mention birthday’s to me!! Hope yours goes well:)

ryn: Okay, already, I’ll stop financing the IRA. Come New Years. I promise.

December 12, 2001

Damien is a nice enough name in theory… it just has certain, er, connotations… *cough* spawn of satan *cough* 😉

Damien…. I have to say it’s not my favourite name in the whole world! (I’ll probably find out now that ALL my favourites are called Damien in real life, and they are all offended with me.) But I stand by that. There are nicer names than Damien. (*walks off muttering* first rings…. now names for children, eh?)

Hey girl. I just got your letter. Thank you so much for the articles. I had been whining at paul that we have no access to kerrang!’s in this freaking crappy ass city. i’d told him to tell his manager to pick one up for me and he never did. I’ve had to start a whole new scrap book for the new project. I appreciate greatly. You’re the best!! btw, 25 is a nice round age, not too old, not to…

(try damon instead, much nicer) i am going to swear at you though. i’ve had that flipping song stuck in my head for days and JUST when i’m rid of it, i go and read the title of this entry, and there it is again. *cries*

I always thought that only girls did that (pick names for children they don’t yet have) 🙂 If I had boys they’d be Andrew Kieran and Christian Riley. And if I had girls they’d be Leila and Hannah but I don’t have middle names for them 😛 Yes, i’m sad. heheh.

Bloody hell, let’s get through Christmas first before you start worrying me on thoughts of birthdays… Sometime around February I’ll start dreading mine of course 🙂