
‘And our lives are forever changed We will never be the same’ Smashing Pumpkins – Tonight, tonight

I feel fully recovered from my new year’s eve. I really wasn’t in any party spirit on monday night, but like the good friend that I am, I dolled myself up & headed out into the freezing newcastle night, being careful not to slip on the way. We went over to Mary’s and had a couple of drinks before heading to our local for a couple of hours. It was busy enough, but we were lucky enough to get seats (really a prerequisite these days, which just shows my age!) and we got served quickly enough. We then went back to Mary’s and just sat around drinking & watching/listening to music. Gavin turned up (a friend of Mary’s – I think!!) and made us some ‘magic’ muffins, which were yummy. I only had one, but it was enough to set me giggling like a teenager for a couple of hours. Niall returned from Scotland at 11pm and made it round just after midnight and then Tony and Kelly joined us around 2am. We were all drunk and shattered and had to wait until 3:45am for the taxi home (I refused to carry Duncan the mile or so home, he was shattered bless him!) and finally fell into bed around 4am. Needless to say that Tuesday was a complete wipe out as all I could do was sleep, drink water and find something that I wanted to eat. I didn’t even bothered getting dressed, just wandered round in my dressing gown all day (thank god we decided to get some for christmas!).

I’ve decided that, for the time being at least, I will not be leaving OD. I figured that I’m far too addicted to this place to abandon it now, when I am probably in dire need of it. However, entries may well become less frequent. I start my new temping job on Monday. I’m doing data entry for the meter reading company Acuread, so will have no internet access (I should imagine). It’s gonna be weird actually having to work for my money, but there will be no more ‘I can’t be arsed to go’ when I’m getting paid on an hourly rate. Only another week to go until I get my money (although last night I had nightmares about not actually getting it in the end), but I should be getting just enough to meet all financial costs. Assuming none arrive out of the woodwork, which they keep doing at the moment. It seems no matter how much money I put into my account, there just isn’t enough for everything. I would understand if I went out every weekend or indulged in retail therapy on a regular basis, but really, I’m just some sad individual who can barely afford the loaf of bread that she needs for lunch today. Can someone please explain how, when I was a student I had enough money to go partying every week, but now I’m working (just) I can barely afford to eat. It doesn’t make any sense.

Until there is a next time…


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January 3, 2002

flower in a hale storm- eels

Since when has life made sense? Very pleased you’re not leaving.. you write the best entries of any of my favourites and I know I’d miss you 🙂

January 3, 2002

yup I remember being a student and partying every night and paying tuition and now the dollar just doesn’t seem to go as far! So glad ur not leaving OD I would miss you!!! And good luck with the job hon! Take care and happy new year *hugs*

I, for one, am glad you’re not leaving this place 🙂