A winter’s tale

‘Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear’ John Lennon – Happy Christmas (War is over)

I must say thanks to OD for providing me with something to write about on this cold & frosty morning.

For a long time I have been in favour of some sort of subscription fee for this site, in order to stop it collapsing before our eyes. So this morning I log on to see the creation of ODPlus. Great idea I think. I like the idea that I can stop certain people reading what I write. It means that I don’t have to fear someone I know in real life, reading what I have to say. It means I can write about my relationship & fears without worrying if a friend will stumble across it & tell Duncan. I like that thought.

But to limit the number of people on the site? Seems mightily unfair to those that join later on. Also it means that I run the risk of not being able to join because I can’t sign up today. And of course, it’s clearly geared to people who have the means to make transactions over the net. I don’t own a credit card & I know my debit card isn’t taken by Paypal. I tried to point out this to OD people before when they offered us the chance to make donations, but they chose to ignore what I had to say. Probably because I’m not American.

It seems slightly elitist. I want the additional privacy that it offers, but I don’t want to have two diaries. I like that one of you (you know who you are) has been reading for months without needing to have their own diary. I don’t see why I should take that away. I guess I want my cake & to eat it.

And should I not choose to join, then what? Watch as my favourites sign up – one already has & will now not be using his regular OD anymore – and feel ever so slightly abandoned? And will the rest of us, the ones who can’t afford it, will we be left playing ‘pop-up mania’ and attempting to stop the pop-up ads taking over the computer?

I’m all for the survival of OD, but creating an elite environment seems wrong. Will I join? In all honesty I don’t know. I guess if enough of my favourites do, I’ll feel forced to, and if I can afford it I may. But to pay the money & keep a completely public diary will seem a waste of time. To pay and not let any of you read it means I may as well just keep a private diary again. I can’t help but feel that there were better ways to handle it & maybe the OD gods should have taken some time to see what we, the people that use this place, wanted.

Until there is a next time…


Log in to write a note

I agree with you. But I felt the need to hide out. Damn. I feel guilty now.

I dont understand the point, actually. Because if you want to hide from someone, if that person is determined to find your diary they will, and they can just sign up, pay their fee and read it. But at the same time any non-payers can read, unless you make it private (which you can do here anyway) or semi-private….and once again, anyone can pay and read it….or am I missing something here?

December 3, 2001

well said and I completely agree with you:) Personally I won’t be joiing up cause like you I don’t have a credit card and I also can’t afford it. I just hope my favs will stay put here 🙂 *hugs*

I totally agree with you – I don’t have a credit card (that would be too dangerous!) and even if I did I can’t afford it in the run up to Christmas. Like you, I’m hoping that nobody signs up to it! Hope the job hunt is going okay, take care,

call me a tightass but there’s no way im wasting my money to write in a journal.

well, you won’t have to worry about me joining OD Plus. I don’t think the payment method is very Canadian (or European) friendly. And my credit card is at the max. And I don’t want to pay $20 American every 6 months. 🙂 I can ignore the pop-up ads most of the time.

I’m not moving… there’s more of a community here and this is where my friends are

Hi sweetie, they’re only up to 279 diaries on OD+, and I don’t think that elite is quite what they had in mind. It’s more about no popups and better response time. Lots of nice 17 year olds have been using daddy’s Visa card. Not too elite. 😉 Love you sweetie,