A question of time

‘Do what we like, and we like what we do’ Andrew W.K. – Party Hard

Yesterday was mixed. If anyone is in the London area, near Canary Wharf, would you mind visiting the MD of the digital section of our company and beating him soundly round the head until he listens? Thanks. I’ve spent the last god knows how long checking my emails on an almost obsessional basis, waiting for the damn structure. Yesterday we got an email, and there was hope. But it was dashed. Instead mr boss man said that he would tell the meeting next thursday when they could expect to see the structure. In other words, he clearly can’t be arsed to do anything. Why should he? I mean, he has his job. In the meantime though, we are supposed to begin the selection process. How can we complete a selection process when we don’t even know who is having to compete for which roles? It all seems like a mess to me, and the longer it goes on the more annoyed and angry I get. It no longer matters whether I am made redundant or not, I’m leaving. There is no way I’ll stay and work for these people now.

But there was some good news in our household. Duncan has been quietly looking for something to take him out of BT and we’ve had various local college info delivered. He looked through and found a couple of things, but of course, we’ve missed the start date for this year. He decided to call (for that read I told him to call) some company about computer training (programmers, analysts, that kind of thing) and he got the info and completed the test. Last night we had the selection guy round to discuss the course & see if Duncan was eligible (they only take 4000 people a year, which given the demand for these people isn’t much). They said he was definitely eligible with above average test scores 🙂 and they discussed for 2 hours the best route to take. The guy has to come round again today to go through the government grant application (this doesn’t come at all cheap) and once that is sorted, then Duncan can start the course. So all cross fingers that the government give the ok, otherwise we’re going to have to put ourselves in more debt to meet the deposit required. Apparently the average wage at the end of it is £40,000… woo hoo!! I am going to become a lady of leisure! hehehehe

I have to be honest and say I am glad that he has decided to do this. First of all it’s better for us in the long run, it means we can start saving properly for a deposit for a house sometime in the next couple of years, but it also means he gets out of BT and we no longer have to worry about working every other saturday again. But it also means that he will be on a higher wage than me. Which may not sound much, but over the past few weeks, with my job hunting, I’ve seen him get slightly dispirited as these jobs I apply for are all in the region of £20,000. BT pay well for a call centre, but in the grand scheme of things, it ain’t that great. I think he’d feel better if he was earning more than me – it’s a male pride thing isn’t it? Crazy, yes, but I understand it.

Anyway, I am at home again today and as it’s Thursday it means local job paper day… fun! (not) I get to spend 35p (or whatever it is) to buy a newspaper from the company that is dithering about making me redundant & trawl through 1000 jobs to discover that the job market hasn’t improved in the last week & I am either still under-qualified, or there are even more part-time jobs. Pah!

Until there is a next time…


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October 25, 2001

u thought about doing something from home like resumes or something? U write so well – there has to be something u can do that would get you out of this stressful situation?? Huge congratulations to Duncan!! I hope it all works out and he gets the money off the gov!!! *hugs*

AO makes a good point – maybe t would be work looking on the freelance sites (can’t remember any addresses at the mo!) as I seem to remember that there was lots of research-type work on offer. Send congrats to Duncan – that’s really good news!

that’s great news about duncan 🙂 As for the lady of leisure bit, aren’t you pretty much doing that anyway at the moment? (heheh just kidding) 🙂

October 26, 2001

Nice one Duncan! Oh to earn £40k for programming, never seem to get jobs like that but then I tend to work for small companies out in the countryside. Maybe I should take people’s advice, sell out and work for large corps in the city 😉

pah x 2 = pah pah!!

October 30, 2001

Congratulations to Duncan 🙂 Anything that gets him out of BT has got to be a good thing! I know the every-other-Saturday thing so well.. and I hate it with a passion.