A place for my head

‘The modern idiot is here and plain to see’ The Wonderstuff – On the ropes

So the job hunting has continued. I spent about an hour last night working through the newly posted vacancies of various sites and trying to decide if I could picture myself in that role. I now have 4 possible applications. The first is as a marketing officer for some new council-run arts group. I’m not really a sales person so I can’t see how I’d be a marketing person, but it’s worth a shot. The second is for a research officer – which sounds more my thing, researching something or other for education, in particular primary education. Last night I applied to the National Lottery people to be an awards officer – it sounds mildly dull, but pays really well, which would definitely make it worth while. The final one is to work with one of the hospitals collecting and presenting data on cancer survival rates. It pays about the same as this job but sounds vaguely do-able and interesting (for a while at least), so I figured it was worth a shot. I did manage to find the perfect job, researcher at the uni, for the arts & humanities department, helping to produce their regular journal, but it’s only part time, so it really is out of the question. It made me want to cry quite frankly.

Every time I think I am coping with all of this, I start job-hunting again & realise that there is bugger all in Newcastle that isn’t part-time or that I’m not ridiculously under-qualified to do. I’m sure that, in the end, something will come up, I just don’t like this feeling of uncertainty. The next up-date as to the company position on this – if anyone is going now, etc – comes on Monday, ironically payday.

I spent ages on the phone to my mum last night, and my sisters as well. It’s only three weeks until they come and stay for the night, which they are quite looking forward to, as am I. Duncan, on the other hand, looks apprehensive when I remind him of the impending visit. Can’t say I blame him, 4 more versions of me are probably quite difficult to cope with!

Until there is a next time…


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I have a Mum and 2 sisters who are just like other versions of me, too! Oddly, Jack also seems very intimidated by them all…. funny that. 😉 Hope that the job-hunting goes well. Fingers crossed for you.

That’ll be the night Duncan heads to the hills then 😉

Four applications is hardly “nothing”, is it? Keep looking, something will come up.

Can’t you go for the part time job and supplement with charts & that other job you went for recently? Just a thought. Can’t wait to see the picture.

(dogsdinner found a job – i know you can too)

ryn: I can’t believe you would think that I would steer a conversation in a particular direction! :op

my mum, my sister and I are very much alike, but for some reason, scott wants to hang around us all the time. Very strange indeed 🙂 Job hunting sucks.

all those jobs sound pretty promising. too bad the really good one is only part-time, life is cruel. oh, and underqualified my ass, your are brilliant and that should be enough, right??

good luck with the job stuff!