
That is the only way to describe what my life will be for the next…oh….let’s say 2 months.  As I stated in a previous entry, I feel God is telling me that there are going to be big changes coming soon and even though I do not know what the changes are, I am listening to Him and I am feeling like making some changes myself!!  I am what you might call a pack rat and I love keeping mementos and keepsakes of even the smallest thing….well that makes for  a lot of stuff after you save it all for many, many years!!  I also am the keeper of my mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers mementos as well.  I guess you could say I am the family historian.  No one else takes much interest and I just couldn’t bear to see all their stuff thrown away after they passed. (Actually, my grandmother is still alive….she’s 87 now has been living in a long-term care facility for the last 9 years.  She had a major brain bleed and hasn’t been able to live on her own since. I considered   having her live with me but she’s developed dementia  since the episode and it wasn’t safe)  But I, like Sophia, digress. LOL Anyway, my storage areas were packed to overflowing and I have been purging every where….sorting and throwing things away and organizing what I have kept.  I also decided to do some major sprucing up after the big purge.  My home has been the same colors and had the same furniture for the last 6 yrs and I feel like making some changes.  I am going to paint the walls and get new flooring for almost every room and to save money and because I enjoy it I am doing all the work myself.  Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo  for the next couple of months things will be hectic to say the least, but I am excited about a new look.  There are also a few structural things I need to take care of as well.  One of the windows in Nevaeh’s room leaks and needs to be fixed….there is also an area of the floor by my commode that is weak….I had a leak around the wax bowl ring last year and it softened the floor so I will be replacing the floor in that area as well, but mostly it will all be cosmetic.  I’m sure I will be talking about it (ALOT) in more detail in the next few months.  Went shopping yesterday and got a nice shower curtain set with matching towels and accessories for my bath. So that is a start with much more to come…..tomorrow I am going to a local furniture/flooring/interiors store and getting some ideas for  paints and such.  Probably won’t be buying tomorrow just looking and getting some ideas of what we want.  I’m so excited….I love shopping and getting new things….so girly I know!! This feels like the right thing to do right now….I don’t know what my changes will entail….maybe good….maybe not so good, but I feel a peace and a "rightness" in my decision to redo my home.  So………………….onward!!!

I have also been making some personal changes as well in preparation of the changes God has in store for me.  5 years ago I stopped smoking after doing so since I was 10.  I have never been super skinny, and after I quit smoking I gained weight….ALOT of weight and now I had 50 lbs to take off….I was about 20 lbs overweight to begin with and I gained 30 so I have had my work cut out for me.  I’ve tried (not very hard I admit) to get it off over the past 4 years or so but since I’ve gotten older it’s been much harder to do. When I was in my 20’s and 30’s and wanted to take off weight for an event I just decided to do it and ate a little less….exercised a little more and voila!  off it came….Not anymore!!!  But I finally found a working plan that is healthy and doesn’t leave me starving!!  So far I’ve lost 20 lbs since the first of the year so it’s comin along!!!  I can already feel an improvement in my energy level and pain levels.  I was hurting somewhere every morning and now…not so much!!  I am not eating a lot if calories but what I am eating  is good quality, wholesome healthy foods so I’m sure that I am getting all the nutrients I need.  I was in food service in the health care industry for 7+ years so I do have a little knowledge about making good food choices.  And just in case, I am taking a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement until I can add a few more calories.   I am hoping to get my metabolism in gear soon and will be able to eat a little more!! LOL  I also exercise faithfully 2 times a day.  I do either aerobics or resistance training once a day usually in the morning and then in the evening I either walk or do yoga.  I don’t want to allow my body to get too used to one form of exercise so I switch it up. They say that is a better way to exercise.  I was planning on joining Curves again…I used to be a member back in 2003 but moved and it wasn’t convenient to go to any longer, but since I decided to redecorate I thought I better not spend the money until I get done. 

Well, I suppose that is enough for tonight….I want to run up to CVS and get a couple of their sale items and  be back before "The Walking Dead"  I just love the gore in that show!!!  LOL  I’m a real horror fan….and yes….Stephen King IS my favorite author!! 

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