Words to live by

I borrowed a hand held belt sander from a friend at work. I’ve now been all round the edges of the floor downstairs and started filling gaps. My intention is to start varnishing next weekend.I sort of had an accident with the hand sander. The cable got sucked up in the belt and I mashed it. I did however repair it properly and friend Darren was very nice about it. I also bought him some spare belts.

In my last entry I wrote, “At some point the the climate scientists are going to have to admit they have not got the slightest scrap of evidence to show that the climate is changing”. I’ve been saying this for many years, but in my view it’s getting more and more obvious. Suddenly it seems I am no longer in a minority with this view, or at least, not a small minority. This scathing report in the Financial Post sums it up nicely.

The IPCC is about to release a report which essentially really should acknowledge that all the climate models they have been using since 1990 have massively exaggerated the case for global warming and failed to show a correlation between CO2 and climate change. Except they are not acknowledging an error in their modelling. Leaks seem to suggest they are in full denial mode. Oh the irony!. I haven’t just cherry picked an article. Here is another take on it from Spiked.

The IPCC should listen to Richard Feynman. He said, “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.” Words to live by.

Is the Haunted House at the fair ground, or the Ghost Train ride really supposed to scare people in any real sense? I’m not sure it is. Of course, it’s designed to make people jump, but no one comes out genuinely frightened do they? People wouldn’t buy tickets for that. I ask this because Shocktoberfest in Pennsylvania has come up with a new Halloween Haunted House attraction that would appear to be exploiting real fear. For $20 you can experience the Haunted House naked (or in just your underwear if you’re not that brave). Some people have no fear of nudity of course. In which case, it’s just a more fun Haunted House.

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September 23, 2013

Nice to hear that there is no global warming. But what about the North Pole ice disappearing? The polar bears do not like that.. Let’s hope that will self-correct soon.