Top Totty

The debate about whether parents should be allowed to smack their children has rumbled a step forward today. The Royal College of Paediatrics has warned that “Today’s smack will become tomorrow’s punch”. Ah yes, the classic slippery slope argument, and as always, it is without foundation. The problem with the slippery slope argument is that it can be applied to almost anything, and then re-applied until it becomes ridiculous. For instance, if we ban smacking today because it will become tomorrow’s punching, some twerp is sure to stand up next week and claim that, “today’s raised voice will become tomorrow’s smack”. And so it goes on. There is no requirement to back this argument up because it is seemingly so obvious. Except it isn’t obvious. We allow smoking, but it doesn’t mean everyone who chooses to do it starts off down the slippery slope and moves towards heroin does it?

Apparently we find out today whether Chris Huhne is to be charged with asking his ex-wife to take the rap for his driving offence. I can hardly wait! Power-drunk, back stabbing dirt bag deserves everything he gets. He still thinks he’s going to get away with it.

Ponce Charles has been pontificating again about architecture. This time he has been telling leading Engineers that they are getting it all wrong by using steel and glass to make buildings. Apparently glass and steel buildings are just energy guzzling boxes. I’m sure the most accomplished architects in the world were very pleased to be told this by the Prince of Wales, who is of course eminently qualified because he scraped a dodgy history degree himself.

I’m just going to do one more quick story before I post this because I want it to go up before the Chris Huhne news is published. Apparently a beer called “Top Totty”, which features a cartoon bunny girl on the pump handle, has been withdrawn from the House of Commons Strangers Bar because it is offensive to women. Labour MP Kate Green lodged a complaint during questions in the Commons. She called for a debate on “dignity at work in Parliament” and asked the Leader of the Commons to support her in removing Top Totty “immediately” from sale. And within 90 minutes it was gone. There has been a little argument in both directions on this one. But honestly, it’s a beer, what is the problem. Do you think men would be upset if Toyboy Sherry went on sale there? I doubt it. And what upsets me more is the fact that we pay MPs an enormous salary to make important decisions. I don’t pay them to waste time arguing the toss about this kind of crap.

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February 3, 2012

Yes it’s obvious Chris did the crime otherwise why would the ex wife say he did it – even if she hates him now. I wonder if he’ll step down or resign.

February 3, 2012

RYN: I just find it a charming country with charming people. Of course I saw it through rose tinted tourist glasses.

February 5, 2012

If the bunny girl isn’t nude, I don’t see what the problem is. She is an empowered woman using her bunny attributes to earn a living. Good for her.

February 6, 2012

I have very little time for Prince Charles, I hope the crown bypasses him completely and goes to Will, he does seem much more grounded, well, as grounded as one could be as ‘royalty’. Have a great week! x